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Nobodies POV

A Hydra tech loads blue cartridges into a clusterbomb, then gently loads the clusterbomb into a nose cone.

"As you see, production is proceeding faultlessly." Zola says

Zola and Schmidt walk the factory floor. Catwalks radiate from a control room overhead.

"Even in ordnance of this size." Zola says

"Good. Increase output by sixty percent. See to it our other facilities do the same." Schmidt says

"But our...workers. I am not sure they have the strength." Zola says

P.O.W.'S labor a gunpoint. A giant crane loads bombs onto a Rail car.

"Then use what strength they have left, Doctor. There are always more workers." Schmidt says


Steve peers out at the guards patrolling the main gate. He drops as headlights sweep the road.

Three covered trucks rumble toward the gate.

A gate guard checks the drivers' papers. In the background, we spy...Steve sneaking into the last truck.


The trucks roll into the compound, gates closing behind them. Guards hurry out to unload the trucks.

At the last truck, one guard peers in, curious: A red, white and blue shield stands amongst the supplies.


The shield springs out, smashing him in the face. The guard drops. Steve emerges from the darkness.


HYDRA guards prod P.O.W.'S across the compound. Steve follows, keeping to the shadows.

At the barracks, one guard stands watch as the other leads the prisoners inside...


A warder opens a cage and prods the prisoner in. A prisoner in a hat bring up the rear, slow. The warder hits him with a truncheon, knocking off his bowler.

The prisoner picks up his hat and puts it back on. We now see it's Dum Dum Dugan. He stares at the Warder.

"You know, Fritz, one of these days, I'm gonna get my own stick." Dum Dum Dugan says

The warder viciously kicks Dugan inside.

Down the row, a hundred more prisoners are trapped in a dozen more cages.


The guard steps out to find his partner sleeping against the wall, helmet over his eyes.

He kicks him, but the guard doesn't move. He lifts his partner's helmet to see...He's out cold.

Steve steps up behind him with a Truncheon. Crack!


Four prisoners, Falsworth, Jones, Dernier and Dugan slump on
the floor of their cage, exhausted.

The warder on the upper floor makes his rounds. He passes out of sight. Then...WHACK!

The warder drops on top of the cage, unconscious. The prisoners jump up as...Steve looks down at them.

"Hi." Steve says

The prisoners stare, stunned. Jones raises an eyebrow at Steve's outfit and shield.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be?" Jones ask "I'm...Captain America." Steve says

The prisoners' excitement dies. "Merde." Dernier says

Immortal (Bucky B., Steve R., Logan H.) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now