『Bees』Tubbo x reader

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this story takes place in the minecraft world in the dream smp. so minecraft is a reality. o and like you can respawn and switch worlds too.
tubbo has blonde hair in his mc skin but i'm changing it to brown so it's more realistic like him.

No one pov

The dream smp has been surprisingly peaceful, after a new member has been added things have been going smoothly.

Her name is Y/n. She's completely neutral in the so called war. She's always had a belief stealing other people's hard earnings was wrong, she served the supplier role in the SMP. She was there so no ones hardworking diamonds or food was being stolen because she had everything.

Her shop was welcome for anyone to come in and take what they needed. Her only request was to leave a sign if she ever ran out of something and she'd go get some more. Surprisingly everyone followed that one rule, even Tommy.

She asked for nothing in return for the things she worked hard for. She was just happy that everyone had what they needed and nothing was being stolen. No one knew where Y/n got all of her supplies from, it was like her little secret.

Everyone on the SMP was on good terms with her, no one had any sort of rivalry. Despite her being one of the only other women on the SMP people treated her with respect. After beating dream multiple times in pvp and having a resource race everyone knew her place. She's had some pets that were killed in the past before, but she forgave them for their accidents.

Like the time Fundy was trying to build a special pent house for her horse as a repayment favor but accidentally suffocated her horse. Y/n forgave him and built he rest of the pent house for the horses grave.

Or even the time George and her were playfully hitting eachother and her pet parrot tp'd to her without knowing and george one hit it by accident. Sure she was sad about it but she knew it wasn't his fault, she should've sat her parrot down before leaving her base. George ended up getting her a new parrot because he felt so bad.

She was also great friends with Tubbo. Whenever Tommy or Wilbur was ignoring him or seemed like they just weren't listening she was always there to remind him she was listening. Tubbo never forgot this one moment.

"So I was on the edge of the cliff running away from skeletons when!-" Tubbo was talking about something cool that he did when he was out getting things for something he was building. He was talking to you, Tommy, and Wilbur.

"Oh wait they're gone...." He got quiet and stopped talking but you were too busy listening to add commentary when he was talking.

"Aye no don't stop, I wanna know what happened next" You said.

"Oh! Sorry I thought no one was paying attention" He sounded exited again.

"Well you thought wrong, now tell me what happened next! Don't leave me on a cliff hanger!"

"Yeah! So anyways-" He continued on with the story. You hated whenever he felt like he was being ignored about the passionate things he talked about.

Whenever no one was around to see a new build he made you immediately rushed over to see it. Whenever he needed a test subject for something you were his go to. You were always right there when he needed you.

You knew how much it hurt to be alone when you really wanted to talk about things you liked. Before you used to have a world with your best friends and they always called you loud and annoying whenever you showed them things.

They even burned down some of the building that took you weeks and was super proud of. It was all 'just a joke' and you 'shouldn't have taken it so seriously' but you loved your builds. Building was the only thing you had and you and tubbo were the perfect mix.

Tubbo was currently showing you his bee keeper place.

"You made all of this?! That's so cool!" You said in awe looking around.

"Yeah! I wanted to name the bees so I would know which is which." He said rubbing the back on his neck.

"Well I have a stack of name tags we could use to name them wanna go get them?" You said pointing outside to your shop nearby.

"We'll get them later I wanna show you something else." Tubbo saïd reaching out his hand.

Blushing a little, you hesitantly grabbed his hand and followed along with him."

His hand is so soft, kinda sweaty but soft. Tubbo leaves a scent of honey where ever he goes since he's always around bees.

"We're so far from the base where are we going?" You said being practically dragged by tubbo.

"We're almost here just a bit farther." After 3 more minutes you two arrived at at a mountaintop.

Tubbo let go of your hand and sat at the edge. He turned his head to you patting the ground next to him.

"You coming?" He said.

You stood there speechless starring at Tubbos blue eyes for a few seconds, opening your mouth to say something.

"Well don't just stand there we gotta watch the sun set!" You snapped out of your thoughts and rushed to tubbos side.

You two looked at the sun that was shortly setting. "It's so beautiful isn't it?" He said turning to you. "Yeah, it's finally peaceful."

A little bee buzzing towards you and you stick out your finger for it to land on. It lands on your finger and stares at you with its cube body and adorable eyes.

"Look at this little guy, so cute" You saw as the bee nuzzles to your chin. Tubbos heart is on the verge of exploding right now.

"I'm gonna name it..." you look at him with a soft smile, "Tubbo."

And there his heart goes.

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