Coconuts at the beach and some free time!

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I woke up again. Wow.


I get up from bed and do my morning stuff. Getting dressed, using the toilet and brushing my teeth and stuff. Seems like I overslept too. Oh well. I put on my boots and make my way out to the restaurant. I saw Mahiru and Hiyoko leaving the hotel, We exchanged greetings as well. I go and grab a plate of food and sit by myself. Seems like I overslept overslept. I eat in silence, tired. Seems like its one of those days hhhhh.

I finish after a while and make my way out. I see Kaz standing near the pool looking away from my direction. I sneak up on him


"GYAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I laugh at his reaction. "M-Miss (y/n)?!! Jeez you scared the shit out of me!"

"Ehehe yeah sorry about that! Anyways, What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out who can cut open a coconut" He said with a determined look on his face. "TeruTeru, Ibuki, Hajime and I found a coconut at the beach and We were going to have some of the juice but I came to find someone who can open it."

"Why not ask Peko? Since shes a swordswoman and all"

"Oh Yeah!" He pulled me in for a hug. "You're so smart Miss (y/n)!!" He smiled down at me, then realized what he did and let go of me. "Oops sorry Miss (y/n)" He put his hand on his neck and chuckles nervously.

"Nah it's alright hehe..."

Awkard silence.

"Um so wanna go ask peko if she'll cut the coconuts?"

"yeah! Can you ask for me though...She's kinda intimidating.."

"Yeah no problem!"

We made our way to her cabin and knocked on her door. She answered.

"Yes? Oh hello (y/n), Did you need something?"

"Mhm! I was wondering, since you have a sword and all, If you could crack some coconuts for me at the beach!"

"Hmmm....I guess It's fine with me. I'll shall help you." She grabbed her sword then walked out of her cabin and locked her door. "Lead the way." I nod and we all start to walk to the beach. We see Ibuki, TeruTeru and Hajime already there.

"Hiiiiiiiii!!" Ibuki waved at us with both of her arms.

"Jeez, making me wait like that, you're such a naughty little kitten!" Teru said to Kaz.


"Anyways. Where are the coconuts?" I asked them.

"There over here!" Ibuki shouted pointing to 7 big coconuts.

"I see" Peko said

"Mmmhmmm! To be able to taste the natural flavour of freshly picked coconuts...I spend most of my time in places like Aoyama and Azabu, so this is something I rarely experience. My curiosity as a chef has stimulated me!"

"Who cares?! Now time to get to the coconuts!" We all walked to the coconuts that were on the tree.

"Oh wow They are huge!" I said. Teru gave me a look and opened his mouth. "Stop." I glared at him. He nodded quickly.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure they have loads of juice in them, So how exactly are we going to open them?" Teru said.

"That is where I come in." Peko said pulling out her sword.

"Are you going to crack it open?! Such barbaric ways! I personally use smooth delicate moves, No matter what I'm handling. Care for a taste?" Teru said.

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