Adventure in rip-off disneyland!

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Waking up another day, how nice. 

I stretch while laying down contemplating if I can take a nap and then go eat or to eat now. Hmmmmmmmm. Guess I'll get up now, feeling pretty hungry. Nodding to myself, I get up and make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine. 

Doing what I need to do and after like 35 minutes I'm ready for the day. I walk outside and see Hajime also leaving his cabin. I wait for him to go to the cross area and say Hi. 

"H-Hello (y/n) and good morning." He nods. 

"Good morning! Want to walk to breakfast together?" I ask him. 

"Yeah sure.." He replied and I smiled at him. We walked to breakfast and passed by Nagito and Sonia, we said our good mornings to them and they joined us on our walk to the restaurant. Nagito and Hajime were having a...conversation...sort of.

"Hmm so you still don't remember your talent?" Nagito asked looking at Hajime as we entered the hotel lobby. 

"Not exactly..." Hajime muttered out.

"Oh wow...Crazy how that works huh?" Nagito chuckled at him, Hajime turned to him with a bitter expression. Hajime lets out a deep sigh. 

"It doesn't matter that much anymore, It's not like it...defines me as a person." He looked down at his hand, then back up at Nagito. Expect Nagito looked different...He had on a jacket and a collar of some sort. He had a hand that looked rotten and that was attached to his arm. Hajime looked at him confused and saw he had longer hair than usual, and he was wearing a suit? He blinked and saw Nagito but normal.

Hajime stopped walking and stood at the top of the staircase, Sonia and I noticed the lack of Hajimes and Nagitos presence and look back to see Hajime standing with Nagito looking at him confused by his sudden stop. 

"Are you okay Hajime?" I asked him, when I noticed his scared expression. Hajime looked at me and gulped then nodded. 

"S-Sorry I blanked out." He shook his head and realized we were standing at the top of the staircase at the restaurant. Everyone else was eating and minding their own business. 

"It's alright, now let's get food!" Sonia clapped her hands happily. Hajime nodded, still dazed. Nagito chimed in a said a small 'yay' 

We walk and go get our food. I eye Hajime, still concerned. Something is up, obviously but I don't know what...

I laugh it off. "Guess someone is still tired, huh?" I say while taking a bite of my strawberry. 

"Y-yeah.." He said then munched on his breakfast.

Time passed and everyone is done with their food. I said goodbye to everyone and headed outside to the pool area. 

I look up at the sun and put my hand over my eyes and whisper out "Who to hang out with today..." I look back down and put my hands on my hips. "hmmmmm" I hum out.

I haven't hung out with Teru yet...I guess I can hang out with him. Who else... I could ask Haji if he wants to hang out in the new island...Kinda like a date... I blush at the thought and shake my head and smack my cheeks. What am I thinkinggg....

Oooo I wanna hang out with Togamii, Big brother type beat. Haven't hung out with Kaz or Fuyu for a while so that's that. To the storeee!! 

I make my way to the store like I do almost every other day. Hmm My days are somewhat very repetitive. Oh well lol

I make my way inside and start to look through the isles. Hmm for Teru I should get him something related to cooking or a cute charm maybe. 

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