Chapter 1: Death Stalks The Streets

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So a little idea I had that I was "forced" to write by my friends over in the Jelsa Haven Discord server. Thanks guys, I hope you like it.

Special thanks to MiniNoire for being my beta! Thanks girl, couldn't do it without you! Another special thanks to xValiantWarriorx who helped me with my cover. You da best girl!

Anyway enjoy!

Chapter 1: Death Stalks The Streets

Late August 2007

It was supposed to be a late summer's evening. People were supposed to be soaking up the last few days that summer had to offer. Instead, fear was stalking the streets. There was a monster lurking in the shadows. A monster who had just claimed their fourteenth victim – the third in a matter of weeks.

Bunnymund chewed on his cigarette as he stared at the mangled body of what used to be a young woman. She couldn't be more than twenty-four, twenty-five. The killer had used their knife to slice open the chest, exposing the insides and coating the ground in dark-red blood. Forty-seven stab wounds to the torso, abdomen and face. Only someone who was a true psychopath could really be capable of this horrific crime.

"Is it him?" Bunnymund's partner, Einar Falk, asked as he approached the body.

"Looks like it, yeah," Bunnymund gave an angry expression down at the body. "We need to catch this guy, Falk. If we don't and this guy gets away with it..." A low growl came out of him. "We need to stop him."


The pair of them started to search around the scene, looking for the smallest hint of anything, anything that could be of use to them. So far, the killer had been sneaky and clever. No evidence had been left at any scene but one.

They had only been lucky once. The first victim, a British immigrant by the name of Elizabeth Best had managed to scratch her killer leaving DNA under her fingernails. It had been their only lead since her murder five years prior, back in 2002. Since then, nothing. No eye witnesses, no DNA, no fingerprints.

Bunnymund hated a clever killer. However, he was sure of one thing. A clever killer would get arrogant from thinking he was getting away with it. That would make him sloppy and make a mistake. Hopefully, today they were going to find that mistake and save anyone from having to go through what that poor girl went through.

The pair of the scowered the brush while other officers were looking through the river nearby. The victim hadn't looked like she had been in the water, but the killer may have thrown something in there.

"Victim's name is Therese Larsen, twenty-three, well according to her driver's license," Falk said. "I found her wallet," he held up a red leather purse.

"Anything of interest in there?" Bunnymund asked, as he walked – with much difficulty through the thick brush – towards his partner.

Falk went through the purse. "There is still cash in here – around sixty dollars – so the motive is definitely not robbery."

"I think we ruled that out five years ago," Bunnymund said, fighting a small twitch of a smile on his face.

"There are receipts for a local petrol station," Falk continued. "Dated yesterday at five forty-six. That could line up with time of death. Several credit cards from the local bank and some membership cards including the gym that is nearby."

"We should check the security cameras at that petrol station," Bunnymund said looking at the receipt. "Then at the local gym. If it is nearby, she could have been coming from that when she met the killer." He paused as he looked at the cash in his hand that Falk had handed him earlier. "These bills are in sequential order. Are there any ATMs around here?"

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