Chapter 3: The Newspaper Article

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Chapter 3: The Newspaper Article

Early September 2007

Bunnymund poured over the employee list that he had acquired the previous day. The criminal profile of the Arendelle Reaper was sitting next to him. He was going through each person and applying the profile to them. Since the profile had mentioned a low menial job, he was looking at more of the blue-collar jobs such as the low-level office workers, janitors, cleaners etc. rather than the upper management such as the CEO's. All female workers had also been eliminated. After all, they were looking for a man.

Bunnymund sighed defeatedly as he pulled out yet another file. Quickly looking through it, he cast it aside. This employee was an international salesman and had just returned yesterday after being away for the last three years. So, he couldn't be their man. Looking over at the pile of folders made him shrivel up inside.

"Burning the candle at both ends, eh Bunny?" Falk said as he placed another file on the discard pile.

"My daughter got into the football team she has been desperate for and I couldn't be there for the celebration," Bunnymund said, rather irritated.

"Oh, fuck mate, I am sorry, how old is Natalie?"

"Twelve," Bunnymund sighed. "Man, I blinked and she grew up."

"They do that dude. My kids, man," Falk shook his head. "One second they were little children and now they are grown up, going on dates, flirting with other people."

"Natalie is not allowed a boyfriend," Bunnymund said very firmly. "I refuse to allow boys under my roof."

"If you don't let them through the front door, they'll come in through the windows," Falk said as he checked off another file.

Bunnymund stopped dead as he was halfway to picking up another file.

"Oh, shit, I am gonna have to have the talk with her, aren't I?"

"Save that for the wife dude," Falk laughed.

Bunnymund let a small smile come over his face as he picked up the next file. As he read through it, he started to get excited. The more he read, the more he liked it.

"Hey listen to this," he said, snapping his fingers to get Falk's attention. "Lars Fisker, thirty-eight, works as a part time data processor, divorced five years ago."

"That's when the murders started," Falk quickly leapt over to Bunnymund's side.

"Holy shit, look at this," Bunnymund said as he further dug into the employee's file, "all the murders happened when Lars wasn't working or was sick."

"Let's interview him," Falk said. "That doesn't feel like a coincidence to me."

Bunnymund and Falk left the police station, both in high spirits. Something was saying that this guy could be their guy.

"Hey mum, can I have another drink?" Six-year-old Heidi asked.

"Well, it would be your third," Anna said. "I don't want you getting hyper."

"Relax hun," Kristoff said with a kiss on her cheek. "It's a barbeque and a party."

"Looks like your father has said you can," Anna said with a smile. "Now go find your brother and sister."

"Yes mum."

The five Bjorgmans were at Bunnymund and Tooth's barbeque. Due to the intensity of Bunnymund's work, they had to keep postponing the event, but now they were finally doing it. It could probably be one of the last nice days they had left. After all, summer was over and they were now in autumn. Winter would be here before they knew it.

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