Chapter 21: The End of The Arendelle Ripper

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Chapter 21: The End of The Arendelle Ripper

July 2016

It was as if the world went into slow motion. The sound of the gun, the scream out of her mouth and Elsa collapsing into her arms. Her daughter, Helena, was right behind her, just as panicked stricken as her. Anna's hands desperately tried to put pressure on Elsa's wound but there was just so much much...blood.

"Helena, get help!" she screamed at her daughter who raced out as quickly as possible, there was a loud slam as the door shut behind her.

"No, no, no," Anna stammered. She couldn't stop the wound from bleeding; it just kept on bleeding. It wouldn't stop. "Don't you dare," tears were streaking faster and faster down her face, "you can't leave me. You can't leave me."

Anna pulled her sister in close. She couldn't lose her sister, not now, not after finally getting her back.

"You're going to be okay," Anna continued to say, over and over again, "you have to be okay."

"Anna," Elsa struggled to say but it came out all gargled as her mouth filled with blood. Why was there so much blood? Was it normal? Who was she kidding, it definitely wasn't normal!

Anna brushed back some of Elsa's loose strands of hair as she cried for her sister. Then she saw it – the light disappearing out of Elsa's eyes. Her body going limp and Elsa spoke no more.

"Elsa!" Anna cried as she held her sister close but Elsa couldn't hear her.

She was gone. Forever.

August 2016

It was strange that it was raining on a summer's day. The rain came down hard, as if Nature was in mourning as well. A small gathering of people dressed in black carrying black umbrellas was around a small headstone. A man was at the front, saying some words which were lost to the rain.

All Anna could hear was the rain, the pitter patter as it slammed onto the hard ground. Her arm was held tightly around Helena who was crying into Anna's black dress. Her other hand was gripping a black umbrella that was shielding them from the bucketing rain. Her eyes were fixed on the ground in front of her. She knew that if she tried to look anywhere else, the tsunami of tears that was being held back would be released.

Anna didn't want to admit but knew what people thought when they looked at her. They all thought she was ridiculous, mad, crazy or even all three, to grieve for someone they deemed to be a blessing to have been killed. It sickened her that they were glad that Elsa was finally dead. That pained her. All they knew was what they had read in the newspapers – the monster she once was. They didn't know the real Elsa – the person she truly was from within.

The man who had shot Elsa - Christian Mollerud, the prosecutor who had been working on Jon Ashwood's case – had been caught only a few hours after the incident. Helena had been quick enough to alert security and describe the man who had shot her aunt. Security had caught him trying to flee after clearing out his office. He was arrested for manslaughter and was going to plead guilty. Anna wished that he would spend the rest of his life in jail, but the shooting had been an accident. She could tell the second she had seen him that he hadn't come in there with an intent to kill Elsa – he had just wanted answers. After all, he had been a desperate man in an impossible situation. Anna had been questioned about what had happened while she had attempted to clean herself up. There had been so much blood – it had gotten everywhere; a vivid reminder of a horrific accident.

In the days after the attack, she hadn't known what to do with herself. She didn't go to work, she didn't go out, she didn't do anything. Kristoff had been an angel, providing her his entire support. He never pushed her into anything, but instead let her take her time with her grief. It all finally came pouring out of her one week after Elsa's death. Her entire family had slept in the same bed that night. They all had been feeling miserable and needed a bit of family time. Together they had watched old movies and chatted about Elsa. It was probably the first time that Anna felt herself feel something since Elsa's death.

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