Chapter 4: The Box In The Closet

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Chapter 4: The Box In The Closet

Mid October 2007

Anna stared at the necklace dangling between her fingers. Her mouth was gaping open. Was this what she thought it was? Was this a necklace that had once belonged to a murder victim? What on earth was it doing with Elsa?

Suddenly, a dark thought came over her. What if...what if all these little trinkets belonged to all the recent murder victims? If that was true, then... then that could mean that...

No, Anna shook herself mentally. There could be thousands of reasons why Elsa was in possession of these things. That one particular thing that was preying on her mind couldn't possibly be true. Elsa wouldn't hurt a fly. So, she couldn't be a...

However, that didn't change the one daunting fact. Elsa was in possession of things that had once belonged to the murder victims. What was Anna going to do? She couldn't leave these here. They needed to be turned in to the police...but did she have the courage to do that? She gulped. It was something that she just had to do, she guessed.

Footsteps and voices could be heard from outside, followed by the sound of a key in the door. Panicking, Anna quickly scooped the trinkets back into the box and placed it in her handbag just as Elsa and Jack came through the door.

"Anna?" the pair said, both sounding a little confused but pleased to see her.

"Hello," Anna tried to sound as normal as possible but given her recent revelation, she was sure that her voice sounded a little higher than normal. Thankfully neither her sister or brother-in-law realised that. "Just here, watering the mail and delivering your plants."

Elsa raised her eyebrows and looked confused. "Don't you mean watering the plants and delivering the mail?"

"Yep! That too," Anna started to shift sideways towards the door. An uncomfortable feeling was rising within her. "I hope London was good for the pair of you."

"Oh, it was great," Elsa gushed. "I hope neither Leif or Sigrid were too much trouble."

"Oh, no, perfect angels, that girl Leif and that charming boy Sigrid," Anna said, speaking at the speed of light.

This time it was Jack who gave her a look of pure confusion.

"Are you sure you are okay Anna? Maybe you should lie down? We can make up the guest room for you if you're not well."

"Oh no, rain as right," rambled Anna who didn't know what she was truly saying. "Think I am going to go now."

She bolted from the room as fast as she could, leaving her family members looking utterly perplexed. As she got into the car, she nearly banged her head against the steering wheel. Okay, so she had been super nervous and it probably showed. That shouldn't mean that she found what she found, would it? Her eyes glanced down at the box peeking out from her bag and it made the feeling inside her even worse.

A thought crossed her mind as she backed out of the driveway. What if it hadn't been Elsa who had the things but Jack? What if Jack was the...That would mean that Elsa could be in danger if he discovered that it was missing! Perhaps she should go back and get Elsa to a safe place before doing anything. After all, if Jack discovered that the box was missing, he would probably blame Elsa and could even do something to her.

That was when the more rational part of her brain kicked in. No, Jack would never dare to hurt Elsa. He had been in love with her since they were fourteen and he was just the boy next door crushing hard on the blonde that he saw every day. Besides, didn't Anna find the box hidden within Elsa's things? Like, in her private things? What would possess Jack to hide it there, unless he was trying to divert suspicion onto Elsa if it was ever found...

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