Chapter 2: A Stonewall

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Chapter 2: A Stonewall

Early September 2007

It was 3.00 A.M. when Bunnymund got the call. He had only managed to go to bed around midnight, for he had been up late trying to figure out the killer's new move. His wife had finally come downstairs from the bedroom to tell him that sleep was what he needed. The familiar sound of his ringtone pierced through the still night, interrupting his sleep.

"Please tell whoever the fuck that is that they can go straight to hell," said the irritated voice of his wife who had been sleeping next to him.

"It's work," Bunnymund said as Falk's name flashed on his screen. He answered it. "Bunnymund?"

"Yeah, you gotta get down here. Konge Gate, intersection at Miller Street. There's been another."

"Oh, on my way," Bunnymund said as he quickly wrote down the address before hanging up the phone.

"What now?" the tired voice of his wife asked. "Robbery?"

"Tooth," Bunnymund's voice was scared which made his wife sit right up, "there's been another murder."

"What?" Tooth gave her husband a horrified stare.

Bunnymund could only nod as he clambered out of bed and quickly got dressed. Before heading out the door, he checked on his daughter, a girl only twelve years old. She was fast asleep; her cell phone inches from her hand. A small smile came over his face as he realised that she had been up late again texting her friends. Quickly tucking her in properly, popping the phone onto its charger, he lingered at the door.

A small stab of pain wrenched his heart as he turned around and looked down at his daughter. What if he never caught this killer? What if she was one of the next victims?

No. Not in his life. He wanted to make sure the world was a safe place for her. She should be able to live, laugh and love without fear. But she wasn't able to and she wouldn't be ever able to unless he did something and fast. Shutting the door as quietly as possible, he headed out the door.

He found Falk waiting for him on the intersection he had told him, smoking a cigarette. Police lights flooded the street and a gaggle of gossiping citizens were circling around. Bunnymund ducked under the police tape and walked up to his partner who gestured for him to follow. A grisly scene lay before them. A woman, not much older than someone in their mid-twenties, was sprawled across the street. He bent down to examine the body as he slipped on his gloves.

Blood was sprayed all over the street. Her torso was sliced open and there was a gaping wound on her neck. Stab wounds all over her body was evident. A terrified expression could still be seen on the girl's face. Obviously, she had been terrified as the killer took their next victim.

"What do we know?" Bunnymund asked as he examined the blood-soaked hair.

"Monica Nilsen, twenty-seven years old," Falk said reading from his notebook, "one of the folks who live around here found her just after one thirty."

"Let's talk to this person," Bunnymund got to his feet.

The pair of them walked over to a trembling elderly woman who was being comforted by a police officer.

"Sergeant Bunnymund and Detective Falk, Arendelle Police," Bunnymund flashed his badge. "I understand you are the one who discovered the victim?"

"Yes sir," the elderly woman nodded, her hands shaking.

"Can I have your name please?" Bunnymund asked in a kind voice.

"Maria Fugl, I live just there," she pointed to a house that was right next to him. "Been there for fifty years and this is the first time something like this has ever happened."

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