Chapter 16: Lost Victims

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Chapter 16: Lost Victims

January 2016

A ringing phone broke the silent night in Bunnymund's home.

"Whoever the fuck that is," Tooth's groaning voice came from next to him, "tell them to how to tell time."

Bunnymund also groaned as he reached over for the phone and spoke into it.

"Hello?" he said in a croaky voice.

"Bunny, hi, it's Elsa," Elsa's voice came through the speaker. She sounded way too awake for this time of night. "Listen, I have a situation here."

"If you've killed someone again, can you wait till morning to call me?"

"Ha ha ha, very funny Bunny," Elsa gave a small sarcastic laugh before continuing, "actually I was wondering if you could help us – that is me and Helena? There is something here you should know about."

"Fine," Bunnymund started to scribble down instructions on where to go before hanging up. The directions were to the middle of the woods nearby. Why was Elsa out there with her niece at this time at night? Something had definitely happened.

"What did Elsa want?" Tooth's sleepy voice sounded out. "Does she need help burying a body?"

"You joke, but with her history it's a valid answer," Bunnymund said as he begrudgingly got out of bed to change into some clothes.

"If she has, make sure you don't get your fingerprints anywhere honey, take some gloves."

"You watch too many crime shows."

"Well sorr-ry if I like my daily dose of Olivia Benson."

Bunnymund could only laugh as he grabbed his keys and gun off the bedroom dresser and headed downstairs into the kitchen looking for his wallet. As he searched in the darkness, his thoughts drifted back to what Tooth had said. Could Elsa need help burying a body? He doubted it, wasn't she different now? Certainly, the Elsa he had gotten to know over the past year since her attack was very different from the Elsa he had witnessed in the interviews he had. His thoughts were interrupted by a figure standing in his doorway. Quickly reaching for his gun, he held it up.

"I am armed," he said. "Who are you?"

"Don't shoot!" The figure turned out to be a twenty-something boy who was quickly holding up his hands. In one hand was a set of keys. He didn't look like someone who was breaking into the house – rather trying to get out without being seen.

"Who are you?" Bunnymund asked, his eyes narrowing, not lowering his weapon.

"Oh my god, dad!" his daughter Natalie had appeared running from the stairs. She quickly jumped in between her father and the strange boy. "What the hell are you doing? Zac was just leaving, sheesh!"

"Zac?" Buunnymund looked between his daughter who was wearing pyjamas and a dressing gown and the boy, Zac, who clearly had his t-shirt on inside out. He hoisted his gun as he stared at the pair of them. "Who is Zac? What is he doing at our house at nearly three in the morning?"

" a friend daddy," Natalie turned scarlet.

Bunnymund continued to look between his daughter and this random kid in his house. Above him, Tooth appeared asking what the noise was all about. Tooth gave one look between her daughter and Zac before breaking into laughter.

"What is going on?" Bunnymund said before his brain clicked into action. "Natalie Tatiana Bunnymund, this is a G rated house!" Natalie rolled her eyes while Tooth, in the background, couldn't stop laughing. Bunnymund scowled at the two ladies. "I have somewhere to be, but when I get back, we will discuss this!"

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