Chapter 17: Criminal Profiling 101

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Chapter 17: Criminal Profiling 101

January 2016

Elsa didn't know how to process this information. Anna was telling her what?

"I didn't what to whom now?" Elsa asked, disbelief etched all over her face.

"I don't think you killed that girl," Anna had a look in her eye, one that she only got when she was eating her favourite dessert.

Elsa shook her head. Was her sister taking crazy pills? She must have. The murder was in the police report, wasn't it?

"Anna, she is a confirmed victim, I must have done it."

"Do you actually remember killing her?" Anna asked. "You had flashes of the others but did you have them with this one? Think!"

So, Elsa thought – hard. She attempted to rack her brain to see if it would come up with anything. There was a photo of Aaliyah Ashwood on Anna's desk. Picking it up, she stared at it. Again, that strange feeling that she knew something about the case came to her but no flashes – no images of her being killed, none of her torturing her, none of anything. In fact, the only thing that kept coming to mind was a newspaper article photo. That was it. Nothing else. No matter how hard she tried, there was zilch.

"Okay, nothing's coming up," Elsa set the photo down, "but that doesn't mean anything. I still could be having memory issues. You heard what Dr Banke's said. My brain damage was extensive. Maybe the memories are permanently lost."

"That could be true, but I have actually done some research on serial killers," Anna opened up some files on her computer. "According to what I found, serial killers usually have a type and a signature – that is a unique set of rituals mixed with a MO that they do to each victim. So, an example of this could be that someone only likes to kill brunettes between the ages of ten and fifteen, strangling each one and then leaving a certain pattern in their skin."

"We all watched Criminal Minds Anna," Elsa rolled her eyes. "In fact, wasn't I obsessed with it?"

"I wonder why," it was Anna's turn to roll her eyes. "Anyway, I looked at your killings and despite you killing a variety of people, a pattern did emerge." Anna flicked through her notes until she found a heading called 'Arendelle Ripper'. There were several line graphs, bar charts amongst other stats stuff.

"According to all the confirmed victims – from what came out during the investigation, your confession and the victim identification – I have used this information to come up with a pattern. You killed between the ages of eighteen and thirty and never dropped between that. You mostly killed white victims and never crossed race lines. Men and women were both killed, but women were the main targets with sixty-eight percent of your victims being female. I also discovered that based on your confession – yes, I relistened to those tapes and man, that wasn't fun – you mostly hunted at night – in fact ninety percent of victims went missing during the hours of eleven and four in the morning. Also, they were always abducted doing an activity that allowed them to be alone such as jogging, hiking, coming drunk from a bar etc."

"Okay," Elsa was still a little confused but she seemed to be seeing what Anna was saying. "So, you're saying that doesn't match with what happened to Aaliyah Ashwood?"

"Nope," Anna shook her head. "Aaliyah Ashwood was nine at the time of her abduction and murder, way too young to be your type and she was African which according to your stats, you didn't go after. She was also abducted from her home in the middle of the day which doesn't match your MO in the slightest. There are also some interesting things I found in the coroner's reports."

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