Chapter 8: Two Sisters, Two Sides

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Chapter 8: Two Sisters, Two Sides

Mid October 2007

Bunnymund stared at Elsa as she recounted the story of how she had viciously murdered Elizabeth Best. He remembered coming onto the scene. It had been the first murder scene he had ever been on. He remembered the smell of the decaying dead body, the sight of blood all over the floor and the image of Elizabeth's horror-stricken face. The last image had haunted him and would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life.

Now to hear what had happened in vivid detail and from one of his best friends made him want to throw up. In fact, he had to physically stop himself from doing so. Elsa just looked at him expectantly.

"Now I expect you wanna hear about the rest?" Elsa asked him, her cigarette slowly burning away as it lay in between her index and middle finger of her right hand.

"Yes," Bunnymund quickly got his head back into the game. He lay out a couple of dozens of photos in front of Elsa, who gave them a bored stare. "Tell me about these people?"

"I saw this one coming out of a bar, very drunk," Elsa picked up one. "He was easy to manipulate. He honestly thought I wanted sex behind the bar. That one," she pointed at another picture, "was very fun. I followed her out on her evening jog. When she saw me, she thought I was just another jogger out for a bit of fun. Oh, if only she knew what was coming." Elsa had a twinkle in her eyes. "The woods outside make an excellent sound proof area. No one heard her screams. I kept her alive longer due to that. It was like a game of cat and mouse. I let her get a little bit away but then I would pounce. The sheer terror in her eyes whenever I caught her," she laughed an icy laugh that made Bunnymund shiver, "Oh, I guess you had to be there."

Elsa continued to give – well there was only one for it – highlights of the kills. Reliving the kills, looking at the crime scene photos seemed to fuel her, make the pleasure come back to her. It was sick, it was so sick. She was enjoying all of this.

"Is this it?" she gave her old friend a disappointed look as she threw the photos back at him. "You wound me Bunny."

"Wait..." Bunnymund suddenly got a shocked expression on his face. "You mean to tell me that there are more...?"

Elsa laughed again and took a long drag of her cigarette. "Oh honey, you are barely scratching the surface here."

"So, who are we missing? That university student from Berlin? That couple who were last seen by the beach? Those remains in the woods from six months ago?"

"Spoilers," Elsa tapped her nose and laughed again. "I don't want to give anything away."

Anna watched as for the last half an hour, Bunnymund tried and failed to get Elsa to tell him more about the other victims. She had just laughed at him and refused to tell him more. It was clearly a game to her. It had been like this when they were children. If Elsa had something hidden, she would behave just like this. Bunnymund came out of the interrogation room visibly aged and looking defeated.

"What do we do?" he asked Falk. "We need to get her to talk."

"I say arrest her for the Elizabeth Best murder and hang the bitch," Falk said, giving Elsa a disgusted expression. "The way she spoke about those poor people made me feel disgusted. Like, how could another human being be capable of those things?"

"We can't just 'hang the bitch'," Bunnymund replied. "There are families out there who need closure. How would you feel if you had a son or daughter or wife or husband, aunt, uncle, cousin who had just not come home one day? Wouldn't you like to know? Wouldn't you like to know where the body is to give them a proper funeral?"

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