Chapter 10: An Eye For An Eye

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Chapter 10: An Eye For An Eye

February 2014

Elsa was chilling in her cell at Arendelle Corrections Facility for Women as she lay on her bed. Being in prison wasn't fun, but it had its perks. Being the most feared person in Arendelle made her a sort of celebrity amongst some of the prisoners and in the rest, installed a fear that she couldn't be prouder of.

There was a small tennis ball in her hand and she was bouncing against the wall. As she did it, her mind wandered to several of her kills. Her lip curled into a smirk. Just reliving the kills was enough for her. It gave her that high she loved. That feeling of joy was coursing through her as she remembered.

April 2005

Elsa was walking around Arendelle late at night. The Arendelle Clocktower had just struck one am. There was something freeing about being out and about at night. She was free to be who she really was. It was time for the hunt to begin.

She leaned against one of the streetlights, pretending to read a random book. In fact, her eyes were nowhere near the words on the page. They were instead poised on a girl who was closing up a bar that was just a few doors down. Elsa had been waiting here for her for over two hours. Earlier in the evening, she had been in the bar and something had clicked within her as her eyes had fallen upon this bartender.

The female bartender finished closing up the bar, kicked a few drunk patrons out before heading down the street, both hands in her pockets. Walking alone at night, there could be a killer about, Elsa thought, the smirk reaching her whole face. Shutting the book and placing it in the inside pocket of her jacket, she set off, following the girl at a distance. The girl never noticed that she was being followed. People were really begging to get killed, weren't they? It almost made the hunt a little boring with her prey being so obliging.

Elsa followed her along the streets of Arendelle for at least twenty minutes, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The girl never looked around once. The only thing she looked at was her watch or the night sky. This was going to be too easy. Her fingers gripped the knife that was in her pocket. Around her shoulder, was a bag with other equipment she may need; a spare knife, some tape, some rope amongst other things.

The opportunity for Elsa came only a few minutes later. The girl had turned into a side street which had a few narrow dead end streets attached. Elsa quickly followed and when she passed the first one, her hand gripped around the girl's mouth and pulled her into an alleyway. The girl struggled against Elsa but immediately stopped, for the knife that had seconds ago been stashed away in Elsa's pocket was now at the girl's throat.

"There's a good girl," Elsa said. "You be quiet now."

The girl was looking at the knife, fear taking control all over her body. Elsa immediately got to work, getting some rope out from the bag she carried and tying the girl up before taping her mouth shut with the duct tape she had. As if she was looking at a new born baby, Elsa stared down at her handiwork. Excitement exploded in the pit of her stomach. She had the girl right where she wanted.

The knife paused next to the girl's cheek. Her muffled screams could be heard as she tried to get away from the knife. With her knee pressed against the girl's chest, Elsa grinned down at her victim.

"There is no place to run or hide," she whispered.

The knife was then plunged into the girl's chest, causing pleasure to erupt throughout Elsa's body. Blood started to pour out of the wound. Elsa dipped her knife into the blood and stirred it around. The girl was giving her a terrified expression. One that Elsa found most enjoyable. The knife teetered in her hand. Where she was going to stab next? The knife found its next target within the girl's stomach. The girl's muffled screams were heard again which only fuelled Elsa's pleasure.

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