Chapter 19: Twenty Kroner

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Warning: This chapter has strong content.

Chapter 19: Twenty Kroner

February 2016

Not for the first time, Elsa wished she could have disappeared. The look that Anna was giving her one was one mixed with surprise, shock and maybe disappointment. Her eyebrow was now raised and she had one of her famous 'are you fucking kidding me' looks on her face. Although, they were usually directed at her children.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she sauntered off in the direction of her bedroom while Kristoff had an amused look on his face. Elsa felt like a teenager again being caught in Jack's car by her parents as they came to check on her. Jack had woken up when Anna had shrieked and was now trying to disappear under the sheets as well.

"I think I better go," Jack whispered at Elsa who almost had the sheets pulled up over her face.

"If you don't want to get killed by Anna that may be the safest route," Elsa whispered back.

The pair of them looked at each other and then burst into laughter. It hadn't been the first time that Anna had caught them together but maybe the first time where it had been obvious that they had been naked at the time.

Making sure that they were both dressed, Elsa walked Jack to the door. Jack started to linger, as if he didn't know whether or not he should leave without saying something. Elsa, herself, wasn't sure either.

"So, um," Jack stared, hovering at the doorframe, "I had fun."

"Me too," Elsa said, allowing a smile to come over her face.

Jack hesitated slightly before giving her a small kiss on the cheek. She watched Jack go down the steps and to his car. His fingers paused on the handle of his car. His head turned slightly; his eyes lingered on hers. The fingers lifted in a wave motion before he got into the car and drove away. Elsa shut the door; her own fingers touched the spot where Jack has kissed her on the cheek.

What did this mean for them? Were they back together?

When Elsa awoke the next morning, she knew it was going to be awkward and maybe even a little tense. As predicted, she found Anna and Kristoff in the kitchen, having breakfast. Neither one of them looked up when she entered the kitchen. None of their children had returned home from their overnight slumber get-togethers. Elsa was relieved that the following conversation was not going to be talked about in front of them.

Elsa sat down opposite her younger sibling, grabbing a piece of buttered toast. Neither one of her two campaigns said anything for five minutes. Kristoff had been reading the paper and started to read one of the articles out loud.

"Says here that there will be a housing drop soon," Kristoff started.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Anna's voice suddenly interrupted her husband's. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

"My sex life is none of your business Anna!" Elsa snapped back.

Anger was suddenly flowing through her but she didn't exactly know why. Anna was probably right with the way she was reacting but there was something that made her not care in least.

"It is when it is Jack!" Anna sighed, before her voice adopted a more compassionate tone. "Look, just...don't go down this road unless you have thought about it, long and hard. Jack has been through a lot – and I know you have too," she added in a hurry, "Look, it's just complicated at the moment and Leif and Sigrid are involved too. Jack's a father first. Maybe, take it slow, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Elsa sighed. "I know..." her voice trailed off. Something inside her head was clicking. "Father..."

"What are you thinking?" Anna's eyes narrowed. "There's something clicking in your mind Elsa. I can see it."

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