Chapter 14: Frost Family Reunion

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Chapter 14: Frost Family Reunion

July 2015

Elsa stared at Jack as if she couldn't believe it was really him. There was something inside her that had been telling her that she hadn't seen him in an age. It was like she was seeing him for the first time all over again.

"Elsa, how are you feeling?" Jack sat down in the chair that was usually taken by Anna. "Anna told me that you had been attacked. I hope that nothing too serious happened."

"Memory loss," Elsa pointed at her head and gave a small chuckle, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal. "I seem to have forgotten a huge chunk of myself. Ah well, hopefully people will be able to fill in the missing pieces. Like you!" Elsa suddenly got a bright idea. "You can help me. I have a million questions. So, we got married right? What was that like? Anna says we have children, what are they like? Do I have any friends I don't remember? Why did we get divorced? What happened after that?"

Elsa's voice seemed to go at a million words per hour. She was just so excited to see Jack. Yes, Anna had been great to see but Jack always made her feel special and loved. It was just part of who he was.

"Whoa, one question at a time Elsa," Jack smiled at her. "Let's take this one at a time."

For what felt like hours, the two of them talked. Elsa learnt all about her children, the life Jack had in America and everything that happened between. However, all throughout the conversation, Elsa felt like there was something Jack was holding back – almost as if there was some secret that he was keeping from her. Every time she asked him something to do with why they broke up or what her life was like, he seemed to avoid the question.

What on earth could it be? Anna seemed to have let slip that it had something to do why she was handcuffed. So, it was being arrested that did it? What could she have been arrested for? Fraud? Stalking? Maybe she got so possessive over a woman in Jack's life that she stalked the woman and harassed her. That could be why he left for America – didn't want to deal with the crazy. Although, there was something telling her that it was something really bad... but how bad could it be?

The conversation only ended when Jack had to leave as he had to get back home. Elsa was sad to see him go but he promised he would return. She sunk into her sheets, a grin playing on her lips. At least something good was happening. Sure, she couldn't really remember their marriage but she could remember their dating life. Well, parts of it anyway.

"What's got you grinning like that?" Anna had walked into the room, carrying a cup of coffee.

"Oh, just thinking about the first time Jack and I went out," Elsa sighed, lost in the memory of it.

"Oh yeah," Anna sat down, a grin was now forming on her face. "You guys were what, fifteen? Didn't Jack ask you out to that burger joint for milkshakes?"

"Yeah," Elsa couldn't help grin even more. "He was so nervous. He ordered one chocolate milkshake with two straws."

"All I remember from that is you coming home walking on air. Man, you were so into Jack. It was quite fun teasing you about your crush."

"Hey, jokes on you, we got married."

"Did I ever tell you that Jack forced me to be a stand-in for you when he was practising?" Anna said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well, you didn't, I don't remember it."

"Oh, that means I can retell all my best jokes," Anna said, laughing, "and all my best stories. It will be like you never heard them."

"At least Dad isn't here to constantly redo his dad jokes," Elsa said, getting in on the fun.

"Ain't that the truth," Anna said, sipping her coffee again.

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