Chapter 7: The Nanny Named Elizabeth

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Chapter 7: The Nanny Named Elizabeth

Mid October 2007

Bunnymund gulped as he heard the sick, sick tale of that poor girl being killed in her apartment. Elsa was talking about it as if it was the first time, she had won a sports event or something. The smile that had come over here face was extremely worrying. It made her look sadistic... even evil.

"So, what happened next?" Bunnymund forced himself to continue onwards.


Early January 1993

An incessant pounding on some door jerked Elsa awake. It was so loud; she was sure people on the other side of the world could hear the damned sound. She looked down the hall, discovering that the person creating the ruckus was someone she knew to be one of that bitch Melissa's entourage, Karen. Ugh, this was just what Elsa needed. Karen may not be the brightest individual – okay so there were algae growing in swamps that have a higher IQ than her – but that didn't stop her snarking at Elsa whenever she noticed the platinum blonde.

Karen stopped pounding on Melissa's door to look over at Elsa and her usual sneer formed over her stupid high cheekbones. Elsa wanted nothing more than to bash Karen's stupid brainless head against the wall, but she resisted that feeling.

"What do you want, loser?" Karen sneered; her southern accent boring deep into Elsa's sleepy brain.

"Just seeing who wanted to break down Melissa's door at..." Elsa checked her watch, "at ten past ten in the morning."

An exasperated sigh came from Karen. "Well if you must know, Melissa was late to meet us to discuss our charity's latest project."

"Oh right, doesn't your charity send designer bags to Africa?" Elsa said, her voice dripping with the notion of how stupid it was.

"We also send belts and shoes," Karen puffed out.

"Right," Elsa rolled her eyes. Seriously, it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard of. At least her family actually sent things that were needed: food, money, clothes and housing supplies. She turned back to Karen. "Well, Melissa is clearly asleep." Forever...she added in her mind, fighting to hide the smile that was slowly creeping onto her features. "So, can you keep the racket down? Some of us are trying to enjoy our last few sleep ins."

"Whatever loser," it was Karen's turn to roll her eyes but Elsa didn't give a single fuck. "I have a key."

Elsa watched as Karen took the key out of her bag and inserted it into the lock. A mix of panic and excitement coursed through her. Karen was about to discover her handiwork; the bloodied and mangled body of what used to be that annoying hoe Melissa Goldburg. She stepped through the threshold and into the apartment, calling for Melissa.

Any second now...There was an ominous silence and then...

"Melissa!" a horrified shriek came from the room, awakening a feeling of sheer excitement within Elsa. The sheer panic that was coming out of Karen fuelled her spirits.

"What's going on?" Jack had appeared next to her, a look of terror on his face.

Somehow the terror from Jack wasn't as satisfying as the terror from Karen. What did that mean? Did that mean that seeing Jack in pain wasn't thrilling? All throughout her life, she simply excelled seeing terror on people – the animal attacks proved it. However, there was one fear that she hadn't enjoyed – Anna's. Seeing the look on Anna's face when her beloved cat had been killed wasn't thrilling, unlike seeing the rest of the neighbourhood's faces.

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