Chapter 11: A Ringing Sound

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Chapter 11: A Ringing Sound

February 2014

Anna had to take a moment to realise what the Warden of the prison was saying. Elsa was...what?

"Mrs Bjorgman?" the warden had realised that Anna hadn't spoken for several seconds. "Did I lose you?"

"No, I am here," Anna's head was spinning. "May I ask what happened?"

"She was attacked by several inmates. It is highly suspected that a guard was involved as well. It was rather a brutal attack. She is lucky to be still alive. I don't have much further information than that. I would suggest talking to her doctors at Arendelle Hospital. She was transferred there from our prison hospital about a couple of hours ago."

"Thank you, Mr Eriksen, I'll be sure to do that."

Anna hung up the phone, her mind buzzing. Kristoff was giving her a questioning look but Anna didn't speak. So, Elsa had been attacked and it was bad enough to land her in a coma. A part of her wanted to cry for her sister, but another part was strangely okay with Elsa being viciously assaulted. It was as if she didn't blame the attackers for what they did. Elsa was one of the most hated people in Arendelle now. A lot of people were angry that she had killed their loved ones for sport, and others hated how she wouldn't aid the police in telling them where her other victims were.

A guilt started to rise within her as she thought at the times, she didn't hate Elsa or when she did hate her. It was like damned if she did, damned if she didn't. If she hated Elsa, she felt like she was betraying her own sister. If she didn't hate her, how could just let all the horrible things her sister has done go? Stuck between a rock and a very hard place.

"Anna? What happened?"

That was when Anna realised that Kristoff was still in the room staring at her.

"Oh, it' know," Anna couldn't bring herself to say her sister's name. Sometimes it was hard to. Whenever she did, she couldn't help but think of all those pictures in the newspapers of the victims. "She was attacked in prison and is in a coma."

"Holy shit, is she okay?" Kristoff looked shocked.

"I don't know," Anna shrugged. "The attack was apparently brutal. According to the warden, she is lucky to be alive."

"Are you going to see her?"

Anna didn't answer. Instead she looked at her book. Was she going to visit her injured, deranged sister in the hospital? She didn't know – or maybe she didn't want to know.

Jack unlocked the door to his house after a long day of work. Inside, he found his sister Pippa cooking dinner for everyone. She had moved back with Jack to help him take care of her niece and nephew. His two children were sitting at the table happily chatting to Pippa's husband, Stanley Evans – a local maths teacher. He seemed to be helping them with their maths homework as they were discussing basic fraction equations.

"Hey Jack," Pippa said the second he walked into the door. "How was work?"

Jack worked as a website designer for a local start-up company. He had experience doing it for Winter's Industry, so it wasn't a new area for him.

"Work was okay," Jack ruffled his children's hair and gave them both a kiss. "How are you two? Did Uncle Stanley set you guys too much homework?"

"Yes," the pair of them said together which made them all laugh.

"Oh, come on!" Stanley said, pretending to sound outraged. "All I gave to Leif today is one page of fractions and I am helping Sigrid with her multiplications."

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