( three ) flynn

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"Jeremiah hasn't answered any of my texts, i'm starting to get worried."

"Is he that guy from the other day? The one that gave you the jacket?" Reggie asks, plopping onto the couch beside the girl. Amelie nods, letting out small sigh as she turns off her phone.

"Is he like your boyfriend or something?" Luke asks, putting down his guitar and joining the three on the couch.

"My ex, but now he's my best friend. I broke up with him last year after Julie's mom died. I was in a bad place and he helped me through it."

"You think he's mad at you about something?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Amelie groans. "He's been trying to get me in his band since we first met. Maybe he thought what happened would become a regular thing. Maybe I should call him and let him know that this was just one time thing. Like a one-hit wonder."

"Or maybe, this could be a regular thing."

"What?" Amelie asks, not because she didn't understand what Luke was saying, but because she didn't know what else to say.

"Think about it, Jace. You can ditch the back-up dancer situation you're in and join Sunset Curve as the pianist ad vocals."

"We asked Julie to be our lead vocalist, but -uh- she said no, but we're sure she'll come around." Reggie says, "but we're not even sure how this thing works. But we need both of you."

"I don't know—"

"Don't you want to be famous?" Luke asks, making the girl chuckle. "That smile you had when you were performing with us, it was genuine. It wasn't anything like the fake ones you have when you're performing with Dirty Candy. It was real like when you were singing with Julie the other day."

"I can't just leave Dirty Candy, Luke. Carrie's my sister, I can't just leave her. Besides, I couldn't if I wanted to." Amelia sighs, "Our dad loves the fact that Carrie and I started something together. Though, it ended up being totally different from what I imagined, he's proud of us. It's the only time he's not pressuring me to practice the violin more."

"Violin? Why violin?"

"After my mom died, he adopted me. He thought it was only right since he was my godfather, but he quickly realized how much I looked like my mother. So he decided to try and make me the carbon copy of her, signing me up for all these music lessons, making me learn the violin, cello, and flute. I practiced everyday with every second of my free time just to get him to notice my hard work, but nothing was good enough for him."

"Or, nothing was good enough to get into the symphony." Amelie says, pulling up a picture on her phone and showing it to the boys. "It's the most exclusive, but the most popular orchestra in America. It was mom's dream to get into it and become first chair."

"Did she do it? Did she get in?" Alex asks, finding himself very interested in the story.

"She did, but she died before she could accomplish that second part. She was amazing, I used to watch videos of her playing all the time."

"My best friend used to play the violin." Luke says, a small smile on his face. "She was terrible at it throughout high school. Like really, really bad."

"You would be dead right now if she heard you," Reggie chuckles, hitting Luke's chest, making the group hive him a pointed look, which he ignored. "But, yeah. She sucked."

"Until one day, she showed up with a bigger violin and started shredding it. It was amazing."

"A viola?" Amelie chuckles. "I wish I learned how to play it, that was my mom's main instrument before she fell in love with playing the cello."

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