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"You sure you're doing okay?" Vanya asked softly for the sixth time.

The two were ontop of the covers of Florence's bed, Vanya sitting up against the headboard with Florence curled up against her side, wings sprawled out over the edge of the bed, the sharp claw like talons at the end brushing against the floorboards.

"I'm just tired," Florence mumbles, enjoying the close moment with her. More often than not Vanya and Florence would end up like this, tangled together somehow in sleep when she was invited to stay round at her apartment. Florence needed to get out of the hellish house or she would surely go insane and often theyd find themselves watching old movies or ordering food round or just staying up all night talking. It was a break from reality that they both sorely needed. Florence found peace in Vanya, who found comfort in Florence in return.

Vanya looked down at the girl clinging to her arm, trailing her gaze along the frown lines in her face, the way her eyes  became duller, the way she curled her legs in against herself but let her wings sprawl out.

"Hey V?" She questioned softly, tilting her head to look up at her. "Is it alright if I stay round yours tonight? I dont really want to be here right now."

She nodded immediately. "Of course, you know you're welcome any time."

Florence sighs, turning on her back and drawing an arm over her face. "I just cant help but feel I'm being a nuisance."

"You might be the only one in the world who I cant get tired of, Flo." Vanya said lightly and honestly, making Florence look up. "I don't mind taking the couch-"

"-no, I'm taking the couch." Florence suddenly shot up, insistent.

She doesnt look pleased. "Its too small, you'll just wake up sore," her eyes flicker behind her to the bat like wings lazily half draping on the floor.

Florence shook her head, adamant. "I'm not letting you give up your bed for me, especially not when you have your rehearsal tomorrow morning."

Vanya sighs heavily. "I forgot about that..." she mutters. Florence clearly isnt going to give in, stubborn as she is. "Fine. But if you get too uncomfortable you can just take the bed, okay?"

Vanya seems so concerned and worried for her comfort and safety that it makes her chest warm. She nods, happier with the arrangement so she doesnt feel so much like a burden.

They sit in comfortable silence for a few more minutes until Vanya brings up the fact that she should probably leave. Florence objects (of course) but Vanya is sure so she doesnt push for her to stay when she doesnt want to - the others had proved to be quite a lot to deal with and some didnt like the fact she was even there. Florence promised shed show up at her apartment later, and they slowly walked downstairs to the exit hand in hand, just enjoying eachothers company.

Florence would have left with her, but despised leaving the house. When it was to go to Vanya's apartment, that was different, but she was tired and needed some silence. She knew the girl opposite her would understand that.

"I'll see you later," Florence smiled down at her and unlinked their hands, the warm feeling dissipating. Both went in for a hug and Florence wrapped her arms around her shoulders and held her tight, before pulling back and kissing her on the cheek with a sly grin. Vanya looked down to hide the red tint in her cheeks with a soft smile.

"Bye, Flo," she nods, sliding her hand into her pocket while the obther reaches for the door. A taxi is waiting outside, one shed called earlier.

Florence tries not to grin at the use of her nickname - she was the only one allowed to call her that - and promptly tucked her wings into her back as the barrier between the house and the outside world was opened. She made sure they weren't visible to anyone passing by but tucked behind the doorway cor her own comfort. She waved as her friend stepped out, gently closing the door behind her.

Bliss - Vanya Hargreeves FF *previously Sour Candy*Where stories live. Discover now