War Preparations

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Finally broken, Mordred knelt in front of Morgause's throne. Morgause had bound his will to hers. Her goals were Mordred's goals, her will was his. 

"Oh, my love," she cooed. "I am beyond pleased with what you've become. By my side at last, we will be unstoppable."

"I was wrong to ever question your wisdom, my lady," Mordred said dully.

"You are Arthur's bane, and my victory. But there's more, isn't there. You know something, Mordred. The key to defeating Arthur Pendragon. Tell me."

Mordred looked up from the floor. "There is someone you have been searching for. Someone who has always eluded you."


"I know where she is."

"Where?" Morgause demanded.

"Camelot. I have her true name as well. It is Merlin."

Morgause took a sharp intake of breath. Who would have thought that meddling girl was the most powerful magic-users to walk across the face of the earth? And at the heart of Camelot, no less. 


Sir Leon entered the council chambers with a few of his men trailing behind him.

Arthur stood up from the Round Table, alarmed. Leon was supposed to be on patrol, and he never abandoned his duty. "Leon?"

"Sire! A force of Saxons. They crossed the northern border last night and attacked the garrison at Stonewell."

"They march under Morgause's command?"

"There is no doubt about it, Sire. It was not just men we faced, but sorcery."

"We shouldn't be surprised. She's been massing an army for weeks. Now, with Stawell taken, she has a base at our northern border, which can only mean one thing."

"She means to take Camelot," Morgana finished for Arthur, her face pale.

"Then she's already made her first mistake," Percival spoke up. 

"We have sufficient time to prepare our defenses, Sire," Leon said. "We can make our stand here. However great her army, the walls of Camelot will hold. The citadel will not fall."

"Perhaps," Arthur replied. "Perhaps not. We've already deserted Stawell. I won't forsake the people of this land while we take refuge here."

"We can protect them here, Sire, in Camelot," Percival suggested.

"Some, but not all. Countless men, women, children, will be left behind, people who I vowed to protect."

"We cannot protect everyone," Gwaine said. "What do you suggest then?"

"There is one way. One way alone. We ensure that she never makes it this far."

"We... Ride out and meet them?"

"Man to man."

"But, Sire," Leon protested. "Morgause commands an army of thousands-"

"Nonetheless, it is our duty as protectors of this land. We cannot stand by and let our citizens be slaughtered. Those are not the values that Camelot was built upon. The war has begun. Leon, Percival, Gwaine, Morgana, stay. Everyone else is dismissed."

Once the men left, the small group made their way over to the table where a map of the land was placed.

"To reach Camelot," Arthur told them, "Morgause will have no choice but to cross the White Mountains. Now the only pass that gives passage to an army of that size is here." Arthur pointed to a spot on the map.

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