Becoming An Agent

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A Few Months Ago

No One's POV

Soldier 76 walked with Mercy and McCree at again another American military base. Mercy looked around, "Do you think that anyone here will be able to join?" Soldier looked around, "I don't know." McCree lit the cigar in his mouth, "It'll be interesting to see if they will pass your tests." "No one has even gotten past the first one." "And you still make them take the rest." A general walked up to the three to greet them, "It's a privileged to have you all here today. I have all of my men ready for you Soldier 76." The three followed to be met with a large group of men and woman waiting for orders. Soldier stood in front of them all, "I am Soldier 76 and I am here to see if any of you can be recruited! I highly doubt that any of you will make, as you all look like human shields! But maybe there is a diamond hidden in this group of meat sacks! Now are you ready?!" Everybody spoke in unison, "Sir yes sir!" "Your first task will to carry two sacks of food and run around this base twenty times! If you fail you will not eat tonight! If you don't go all the way around with your food you will not eat tonight! Do I make myself clear!" "Sir ye sir!"

Everyone grabbed two sacks of food and began to run. The three Overwatch agents watched for the tenth lap to come. A man near the front fell from exhaustion for people to pass them as they ran. Mercy shook her head, "Oh dear." A man with (H/C), (E/C), and (S/C) then stopped to throw the man's food onto his shoulders and carried the man over his shoulders to run. Another man and a woman collapsed for the man to do the same with them for everyone to finish as he had five more laps to go. Soldier excused everyone to go eat as the man kept running. An hour later the man finished his last lap to fall on his knees as he laid the collapsed people down as well. Soldier walked up to him, "Your the last man to cross the finish line son." The man simply looked up with an exhausted face, "Do they get to eat?" "They crossed with their food." "Then I don't care." Soldier called a medic to help the three that collapsed as the last man walked to the cafeteria.

As everyone ate Soldier walked in with McCree and Mercy in tow. Soldier stood near the wall to pull out a grenade, pull the pin, and throw it into the middle of the room as he yelled, "Grenade!" Everyone saw it fly across the room for them to run away as it landed. As everyone got to the wall all that could be seen was the man from before laying on top of the grenade as nothing happened. Soldier walked up to him as he squatted down, "No need to worry son, it's dummy grenade. What's your name?" The man let out a breathe of relief to hold his chest, "My name is (Y/N), sir." "Welcome to Overwatch (Y/N)."

Present Day

(Y/N) walked into Overwatch's training room for McCree to come onto the intercom, "Alright (Y/N) you ready?" (Y/N) looked up at the camera, "Ready as I'll ever be." "Alright then. Now you are going to face enemy, hostage situations, and ambushes in this simulator. If you pass you will become an official Overwatch agent and be departed to one of our bases." "Sounds good." (Y/N) grabbed his semi-burst assault rifle and his medic pistol. He walked up to the starting line for McCree to say, "Go!" (Y/N) went off in a sprint to have two robots appear behind two sets of cover. (Y/N) quickly shot them in the head to past them and turn the corner. Three robots were separated behind different cover as one robot was high above peeking from a window. He shot them to run ahead for him to trip a wire. He quickly jumped forward as an explosive simulation went off. [1st ability] When he got back up his wrist said he was losing health, so he took his medic pistol and shot him self in the wrist for it to go back up. 

He ran through the course taking out every robot to see a robot holding Tracer hostage, who was being playful with this, "Oh please help me! I don't know how much longer he'll wait to kill me!" (Y/N) shot the robot for Tracer to fall to the ground as she put the back of her hand to her forehead, "Oh no! It's the end for me! I'm bleeding." Her wrist showed her missing health for (Y/N) to shoot her with his pistol bringing her from critical to full making her smile, "All better." [2nd ability] Multiple robots surrounded them for (Y/N) to pick up tracer on his back and activate his boots having him jump up to a higher platform. He set Tracer down, "Oh my hero. I should a drink." (Y/N) looked back at her, "You still owe me a couple of drinks." Tracer quickly blinked away towards the exit, "I'm waiting for ya when you get departed." (Y/N) chuckled at his friend's antics, "See you tonight then!" "Oho, someone's confident!" "You know it!" 

Tracer let for (Y/N) to head towards the final obstacle which was a single robot, to which he shot. He walked to the middle of the room for robots to suddenly circle him. [Ultimate- recharges very quickly] (Y/N) pulled out a smoke grenade and to throw it to the ground giving him cover. Shots were heard for the smoke to clear as all of the robots were shot and now broken. Afterwards he headed to the finish line for a celebratory sound to come from the intercom. (Y/N) walked through a door for every Overwatch agent that was there at the moment congratulate him. Soldier was the last to do so as he handed (Y/N) his badge, "You did good. Agent (Y/N)." He then saluted for (Y/N) to do the same, "Thank you sir." McCree then walked up to him, "Alright, now you need a code name. You got anything in mind?" (Y/N) thought for a little bit, "I like the name Apollo." Next was Mercy, "Congratulations (Y/N)." McCree interrupted her, "It's Apollo now." "I like the name. Apollo, you will be departing to a base in Busan, South Korea in five days." x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now