Being Introduced

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No One's POV

(Y/N) woke p to get dressed and make himself some breakfast as he decided to let Hana sleep in for today. As he took a bite to then be startled by tapping on his window. He looked at the window to see a man with the same hair, eye, and skin color as him, with different facial features, skinnier, and was shorter. He was hanging off of the glass with suction cups as he waved at (Y/N). (Y/N) quickly went to the window, "What are you doing out there?!" "Because it's fun." "Well get in here before you fall and kill yourself!" The guy came in to looked around, "Man nice place." "Thanks. So who are you?" "Oh the name's (Y/N). I am from King's Row and I am here to give you a message from Soldier." "Well what is it?" "Oh it's just a check up form to see how you are holding up." "Well as long as it's nothing major. Thank you." The messenger went towards the window, "Welp have a nice day." "Take the elevator." He instantly turned around and went into the elevator, "If it will clear your conscience."

The man left for (Y/N) to set the mail on the counter as he went back to eating his meal. After a while (YN) went into Hana's room to try and wake her up by shaking her a little, "Hana, Hana get up. You have that Vid thingy to go to today." He continued to shake her a little as Hana grumbled in her sleep for her to turn around and hug his arm, "Just five more minutes." (Y/N) sighed as he sat down next to her bed as he sat against the wall, "It's not for another seven hours. It won't hurt for a nap." He closed his eyes for half-an-hour to pass for Hana to flutter her eyes open. She woke up as her bed felt different. She fully opened her eyes to bring her head up some to see herself in (Y/N)'s lap and laying on his chest as he slept. She let go of his arm as she went to the bathroom to hold her cheeks while they were red, "When did he come to my room? How long were we like that? Was he pretending to be asleep?"

As she composed herself she got ready for the day until she needed to take a shower. She went into her room to walk up to her boyfriend and bend down a little. She shook his shoulder some, "Hey wake up. Wake up." (Y/N) didn't move for Hana to realize how close they were. She began to slowly inch her lips closer to his for (Y/N) to move his eyes as he began to wake up. Hana quickly backed up as she stood back straight. (Y/N) looked around to then look up at her, "Did I fall asleep?" "Y-Yes you did! C-Can you please get out! I need to get ready for a shower!" "(Y/N) stood up, "Your face is red. I'm sorry if I overstepped by sleeping in here." "N-No you didn't! I just need to get ready. I didn't mind you in here though." "What was that last part?" "Nothing!" She then pushed him out as she picked out her clothes.

After she took her shower and (Y/N) getting ready, Hana took him to a place where famous content creators would go to meet many fans, answer their questions, and sometimes take selfies with fans or other creators. As (Y/N) and Hana took a cab the famous gamer began to twiddle her thumbs a little, "Hey (Y/N)." "What is it Hana?" "Well before we arrive I just wanted to let you know that I haven't made us, public yet. Because when someone in my field doesn't date someone else like them, then some people tend to get angry for some reason." "Mhm." "And I'm scared to do it today at the event, because I would then be swarmed with people and so would you. So maybe we keep our distance today and have cuddles when we get home." "Well if that's what you want then sure. If it's just for a day." "Thank you (Y/N)."

After a while they arrived Hana got out of the cab, "I'll see you around (Y/N)." "I'll see you soon." (Y/N) told the driver to go around the block for him to get out and pay the man. He walked into the main building of the event. He looked around as people had passes, which reminded (Y/N) about the pass he had. He wore it to look around as everyone walked back and fourth at different booths and stands. As he was walking a man ran behind him, "What are you-" "Shh shh! Just turn with that crowd." A wave of fangirls ran up to (Y/N), "Have you seen Lucio?!" (Y/N) tilted his head, "Who?" "He didn't see him! Split up everyone!" The woman and teenage girls ran in a different direction for Lucio to walk next to (Y/N) as he wiped his forehead, "Hey thanks for the cover man. I love my fans, but I need to breathe sometimes you know?" "Sorry but I don't know." 

Lucio then began to examine (Y/N) as he walked around him, "Hey your pretty well built. How would you like to be my body guard from the crowds of fans. I'll pay you quite handsomely." The fans then came running back for Lucio to hide behind (Y/N), but he was already spotted. As the fans came stamping (Y/N) crossed his arms as he looked intimidating. All of the fans stopped as they looked up at (Y/N), "Sorry but Lucio has lunch with a few friends." The woman in front looked angry as she put her hands on her hips, "Excuse you?!" "You heard me." Everyone backed off, "We can come back at another time."

 They left for Lucio to come out from hiding, "Woah, thanks man. I love my fans, but I need me time. Plus I have a dedicated time for autographs. So how much should I pay you for the day?" "Nothing. This gives me something to do today. Plus my girlfriend suffers from the same thing someti-" He stopped himself for Lucio to smile at him, "Ohh, who is it?" Hana then walked by with a few people guiding her for her and (Y/N) to exchange glances for Lucio to look at the two back and fourth. He then shot finger guns at (Y/N), "I see. Don't worry.  won't tell if she wants to keep it a secret." "Really?" "Yeah, we sometimes stream and do podcasts together." "Cool." x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now