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No One's POV

Hana woke up to stretch her arms and sit up as her messed up hair covered her face. She got out of her bed and walked to the kitchen as she looked at the clock. (Y/N) seemed to still not be up, so she came up with a bright idea. She got out a frying pan to heat up the stove top, and pull out some sausage patties, two eggs, strips of bacon, grits, and two pieces of bread, "He's a big guy. He needs a lot of food." She put the bread in the toaster to begin heating up the sausages. She let the sausages heat up to begin mixing the grits with butter, cheese, salt, and water, "Why don't I have Instant grits?" She stopped to flip the sausages over to put the grits in the microwave. 

She then smelled something bad to realize that the toast was burning. She ejected the toast for it to be a little burnt, "That is okay. There's nothing jelly can't fix." She got out the jelly and set it down to realize that the sausages were sizzling a lot. She put them onto a plate for one side to be crispy and the other soft, "It'll be fine." She then set the bacon on to the pan. It began sizzling for her to jump back some as the grease attacked her. She put the jelly onto the toast for the microwave to beep. Hana quickly opened the microwave door, "Shh, don't wake him yet." She took out the grits to mix it around with a spoon. She ate some to pucker her lips, "Way too much salt." She was going to throw it out for the bacon being needed to be flipped over. She set the bowl down next to the plate as she attended the bacon.

Hana flipped the strips of bacon over for the grease to pop to which she some how dodged. Next she cracked the eggs and began to whisk them as she mixed pepper and salt with it. She added some milk as she has seen (Y/N) do it. When she finished she quickly back to the bacon to set it on the plate, "Maybe he likes his bacon crispy." Last was the eggs. She poured them in for her to stand there, "This is surprisingly easy." Then she had to flip the eggs, "Why is it sticking and breaking apart?" After fighting with it for a few minutes they were done for them to be set on the plate.

She looked at the meal to put her elbows on the counter with her head in her hands, "This is awful." She then heard (Y/N) sit in the chair in front of her, "Good morning Hana. You made breakfast?" Hana shot her head up to look at the meal and back at (Y/N), "Oh what? No this is just nothing. I was going to throw it out." (Y/N) grabbed a fork to begin eating for Hana to watch nervously. (Y/N) ate a piece of every food to nod his head a little, "That's not bad." "You don't have to lie." "I'm not. It is actually really good. How did you know that I liked really crispy bacon?" Hana put her hands on her hips, "Because I'm me of course. I know everything." (Y/N) continued eating for Hana to blush some as she looked away from (Y/N) a little with her voice low, "I would cook for you when you want." "You say something Hana?" "I-I didn't say anything. Baegchi." (Y/N) looked up at her, "Nan neoui babo il ppun-iya." {I am only your idiot} Hana blushed even more as (Y/N) spoke her natural language, "When did you learn Korean?" "Since the first time you called me an idiot in Korean."

(Y/N) finished his breakfast for Hana's stomach to rumble, "I forgot to make me breakfast." "I'll make you something. Come sit down." Hana sat down for (Y/N) to begin cooking. Hana watched him intently for him to finish eight minutes later. He set a plate of a cheesy omelet with sausage, peppers, onions, cheese, and ham inside, "Here you go." Hana's mouth drooled as she took a bite. Her morning was now complete as she swallowed the first bite. (Y/N) sat next to Hana, "I wouldn't mind cooking for you everyday." "Hana looked at him, "I would like that." "Only if you cook for me every now and then,  you did say whenever I want." Hana stopped to have her face turn red, "You heard that?!" "Of course I did." Hana hid her face with her hands as steam came from her head as (Y/N) smiled, "You get easily flustered." Hana then cut off a piece of the omelet to hold it to his mouth with her hand under it, "Y-You should try some of it. It's really good. Say aww." (Y/N) opened his mouth for Hana to feed him as the two locked eyes.

Hana brought the fork away for (Y/N) to swallow his food, "Not bad. I have definitely made better though." Hana finished to put the plate in the sink, "So what do you want to do today?" "I don't know. What do you want to do?" Hana thought for a bit to think of something. A few minutes later the two were on the couch as (Y/N) held a controller, "So what is this game?" "It's called Minecraft. You go around destroying blocks and mobs to create and build things. I thought that you may like it." "Well it sounds interesting." After half an hour of (Y/N) going through the world and Hana helping him discover what things do and how to do actions, Hana decided to join him. She sat closer this time for them to play for a while. As they were playing Hana's heart was just pulled as she looked at (Y/N), "I know that it's only been three weeks, but I have really enjoyed being in a relationship with you. Thank you for accepting me." "Of course, I've enjoyed the past three weeks too. Especially since it's with a cute and pretty woman like you." The two hugged each other to continue playing. But Hana quickly kissed (Y/N) on the cheek as she then looked back at the screen. x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now