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No One's POV

One day Hana woke up to see (Y/N) dressed with some of his things packed making her confused, "Where are you going?" "Soldier 76 called me and said that they need some help with Talon in America." Hana then looked worried for (Y/N) to hug her and kiss her forehead, "I'll be fine. Watch I'll be back by next week." This made Hana give a weak smile, "Yeah." She then pecked his lips to see him go to the elevator and the doors closed as he waved goodbye. Hana waved bye as she went to the kitchen, "He'll be ok. Your both agents. Of course you two will be away from each other a few times."

That was two months ago and Hana was now curled up on the couch as she was watching the news for a female reporter to be on screen, "News from America in today as Talon is still fighting the organization to help the people, otherwise known as Overwatch. Talon soldiers tried to take push Overwatch back but the few agents there were able to keep them back. Two agents were shot today though." A picture of Mcree and (Y/N) appeared, "The shots weren't fatal and have been healed by doctor Angela. We do not know much more, but we will let you know when more is discovered."

Hana hugged one of her pillows as her heart tugged ad pulled, "That's the second time he's been shot." It was dark and the lights were off as she was full of sadness and depression. She has felt lonely when she's in her bed all alone, and the apartment felt like it was abandoned and she did not know how she lived alone. She went to go cook her something as she did not want to eat microwavable meals as it was unhealthy. She was going to make herself some ramen with shredded chicken in it from scratch. 

When she finished she tried it she was surprised as she enjoyed it as it was the first meal that she ever made by herself. She looked around, "Hey (Y/N) I-" She then went silent as she was talking to nobody. She finished to go to bed and pull the covers over her and rest her head on her pillow. She soon became uncomfortable in her position, so she turned over to grab (Y/N) arm and rest her hand under it, but all she grabbed was air. Two weeks passed for Hana to begin streaming again as she wanted to get her mind off of worrying about (Y/N). Many people were worried about her and she tried to convince them that they were fine. Three hours in Hana was playing a multiplayer shooting game, and the volume was so loud that she did not hear the elevator doors open. As she played a figure walked behind her as she continued playing. 

The round soon ended with Hana being MVP and the volume finally settled for her to hear, "Not bad. But you can barley hold a pistol on your own." Hana jumped a little from the voice turn around and see her boyfriend. Her mind took a while to compress herself and realize what was happening as she decided to not watch the news yesterday as she did not want to cry again. She then wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck as buried her face into his shoulder. (Y/N) hugged her back as he dropped his stuff. He picked her up to sit down in the chair pat Hana's back as she began to cry with joy as she was no longer alone. Hana's voice was raspy as it was also muffled by (Y/N)'s shoulder, "I missed you!" "I missed you too Hana." "You sad that you would be back after a week." "I know. I wanted to so bad, but they needed my help. But we won and I'm here now." "You got hurt." "I'm fine Hana. I'm fine." 

Hana then brought her head up some as her eyes were red and teary, "Promise that you won't scare me like hat again." (Y/N) smiled as he rubbed her cheek to which she leaned into his touch to have a tear wiped away by her boyfriend, "I promise." With this Hana kissed (Y/N) for him to happily kiss back. After a couple of seconds (Y/N) licked Hana's lips for her to happily open her mouth for their tongues to dance as Hana went through (Y/N)'s messy hair as he held her waist. The two kissed for a while as the people watching the stream went crazy with this sight. Hana then reached for her mouse as she parted from the kiss, "I'm sorry but I have to end the stream. Bye guys." She turned off her stream for her to go back to (Y/N)'s lips.

The two had moved to the couch as they have been kissing for a while for them to separate for air. Hana was laying in (Y/N)'s lap as her arms were wrapped around (Y/N) and who held her tight. The two's batteries were very low and they were now getting recharged as they have been deprived of each other. (Y/N) then smelled himself, "I still don't smell that well. I have to take a shower." "No, do it later. Keep cuddling and kissing." "Hana I have to take a shower." "It will only take a few minutes." Hana frowned a little, "Okay, but be quick." "Of course." (Y/N) went into the bathroom for Hana to hear the showerhead turn on. As Hana at on the couch her body got hotter as she became flushed.  Hana walked to the bathroom door to open the door and walk in. x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now