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No One's POV

Hana was in a white wedding dress as the she had a pink ribbon in her hair as it kept her hair in a pony tail. She was in a small room as she was sitting down with her head in her hands. Trisha walked in, "How's my soon to be sister-in - Oh what's wrong dear?" "Hana looked up at her, "I'm scared Trisha." Trisha closed the door, "Oh Hana honey. Tell me all about it. What is scaring you?" "It's that, what if I'm not ready. What if (Y/N) doesn't like me in a few months." "Oh honey don't think like that. Look when I first met you I could see the love in the both of your eyes. I could see that he was sure about that question he asked you a month ago. He was already sure that he wanted to marry you and be by his side." "But what about my fans. There are already people who hate (Y/N)'s guts just because he was dating me. What will they do when we get married." "Hana you are a famous rich woman who works for a government organization along with your husband who is a giant compared to most people. I think that you two will be just fine." "Your probably right." "Then why are you still looking worried?" "Because I'm still nervous that I won't be a good wife. Am I terrible for that." 

Trisha smiled at that, "Do you want to know something Hana?" "What?" "I just talked to (Y/N) and he was pacing back and fourth because he is terrified that he will be a bad husband. He is worried that he won't be good enough for you.' "Really?" "Yep. Everyone is scared and worried when they are about to get married. I was a total mess. But I everyday with Nathan has been amazing and I have loved every minute of it." Hana seemed to become calmer as she looked up at Trisha, "Thank you Trisha." "No problem. Also your dad is talking to (Y/N). He said to never break your heart or he would break his knees." Hana let out an exhausted sigh, "He does that every time he meets him. I skype them every week." Trisha began to laugh, "It looked like a Chihuahua yelling at a panther." "You even see him as a panther?" "Yeah." 

Trisha stood up and walked to the door, "I'll see you again when you walk down the aisle." "Ok. Can you get my mom?" "Of course." Trisha left to get Hana's mom and tell her that Hana wanted her. She then met Matt outside to talk for them to see a small group walking towards the building. They quickly figured out what was going on by how most of them were men, and of course the signs. They quickly gathered their father, Hana's dad, a few other people at the reception. They did not want (Y/N) and Hana to worry, so they quickly went to get rid of the protestors of the wedding as Hana was suppose to marry them. They made very quick work of them. They were roughened up a bit, but they were good to go for the wedding.

Everyone was sitting on the benches as Hana's father was whisper complaining to his wife, "Those crazy people need to leave her alone. This is why I didn't want her to do what she does. Don't they know that she already happily likes a man." His wife decided to mess with him a little, "Oh what's wrong with them wanting Hana. I thought that you didn't like (Y/N)." "Of course I don't. He's a good man. But I can't let him know that." Up on the alter (Y/N) stood there as he was shaking a little, but stopped when Matt put his hand on his brother's shoulder, "Calm down little bro. You will do fine." "Yeah, your right. Thanks." Behind him was Matt, Nathan, Soldier as he was the reason he met Hana, McCree as they fought on the front lines together, and lastly Lucio as he they were just good friends.

Hana soon began walking down the aisle as the bells rang. Music began to play as everyone watched her walk. (Y/N)'s breathe was taken away as he saw Hana for her to notice making her smile bigger. She soon arrived in front of him for her to chuckle a little, "You look very handsome. Even with your mouth open." (Y/N) closed his mouth to chuckle as well, "Sorry, you are just so gorgeous." Hana blushed a little while behind her was Trisha who was wearing a suit, Brigitte as the two had become friends over their interest over building machines, Nicole, Angelina, and finally Pharah as the two became friends over having flying races. The priest began to speak for him to soon say after a while, "Hana Song, do you take (Y/N) (L/N) as your husband?" Hana nodded, "I do." "And (Y/N) (L/N), do you take Hana Song as your wife?" (Y/N) nodded, "I do." "Then you may kiss the bride." 

Hana got on her tippy toes as (Y/N) hunched of over a little for the two to kiss. The kiss was long and passionate for everyone to cheer. The two separated for the two to head outside as they went under a large tent where everyone was going to eat, dance, and celebrate. (Y/N) and Hana sat down for Hana to smile, "So how does the name (Y/N) Song feel?" "Kind of weird, but I like it." "Well I'm glad." She then hugged his arm, "Thank you for taking my last name." "Well I know that you have a lot of merch that would need to be changed and people may have a hard time finding you." "You are great you know that." The rest of the day went on greatly and a while later Hana was talking with Emily, Lena, Pharah, Angelina, and Brigitte. The two were talking for Lena to think of something, "Does anyone else realize that we are three of us are married to a (Y/N) while the other three are dating one?" Pharah nodded, "Now that you mention it yeah." The six looked over at the group of (Y/N) as they all talked to each other. The six women all went, "Huh." Hana then remembered something, "There is even that famous K-pop singer who is dating a guy named (Y/N)." Angelina took a sip of her drink, "A lot of (Y/N)'s in the world."

It was nearly dark and before the married couple left Trisha caught Hana, "Can you tell me the cabin that you two are staying in exactly." "Oh sure." Hana told Trisha what she wanted as she wrote it down, "Great. You will get your wedding gift from me when you arrive. Have fun on your honeymoon." "Thanks. We definitely will." The two got in a limo to drive back to their house so that they could get ready for their trip. x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now