Working On A Mech

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No One's POV

Hana woke up in her bed as it was dark in her room. She looked at her clock to see that it was nine-o-clock, "At least it's still morning." She sat up with her hair messy and wrinkles all over her clothes. She stood up to rub her eyes as she had on a shirt and pajama pants, since (Y/N) started living here. She walked out of her room and headed for the kitchen to see tat (Y/N) made her breakfast and put it in the microwave for her. She heated up the food to look in the living room to see (Y/N) working out. She quickly turned back around to wait for her food to finish. The microwave beeped for her to get her food and sit down. As she ate she stole a few glances at (Y/N) as he did sit-ups, pushups, pullups over a bar in the doorway. Whenever he would look somewhat in her direction she would quickly turn away, 'He has lived here for three months. You should be used to this.' (Y/N) then walked up to her as he drank some water, "I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick. Is that okay?" Hana looked at him as the sunlight shined on him as he was sweaty, and his shirt stuck to his body. Hana nodded, "Yeah that's fine. You don't always have to tell me." 

(Y/N) went to take a shower for Hana to finish her meal and get dressed in her work clothes. (Y/N) came out of the bathroom to see Hana wearing mechanic clothes, "Are you cosplaying today?" Hana seemed really happy as she had a smile on her face, "Because I am taking a free day today, so I am going to work on my mech." "You work on it yourself?" "Of course, I don't trust other people to touch my baby. And why is it surprising that I do?" "I just didn't expect it is all." "Baegchi." {To my knowledge Baegchi means idiot in South Korean}"You still won't tell me what that means." "And I never will. Now I am going." She went to the elevator to hear (Y/N), "Can I come with you?" Hana turned to him, "Why?" "Well I haven't really gone anywhere since I got her. Plus it would be nice to get to know you better and see what you can do." Hana hid her blush, 'He wants to get to know me!' She then turned back to him, "Fine, you can come. But you have to listen to everything I say." "Of course."

Half an hour later the two arrived at a warehouse on the side of town near the ocean. They went to one of the higher levels where Hana's mech sat under a sheet as it was waiting for upgrades. Hana pulled the sheet off, "Usually my friend is here, but he is busy." (Y/N) looked around, "This is really impressive." "Of course it is. It's my warehouse. Now let's get to work." Hana began to arrange everything into place as she told (Y/N) what to get and and where to put it. Hana was sitting on top of her mech with a large panel open as she was messing with the wires to reach one of the batteries that got fried. She managed to get the wires out of the way to reach the battery. She looked at it, "How am I gonna get this out?" (Y/N) looked up at her, "You need help?" "Yeah, can you go get a small crane for me? I need to get this out." "What is it?" "A battery." "Oh I can get that." "You can try." 

(Y/N) made his way up to look inside to see how big the battery is. Hana looked at him, "Yeah it's bigger than most batteries, and I still need four to power this thing. So you ay need to get the cr-" (Y/N) reached down to pull the battery up. As he pulled it out Hana became flustered as she watched (Y/N)'s arm muscles for him to pull it out and get off the mech and set it down, "So where is another battery?" Hana pointed at a corner, "In one of those boxes." "Okay." (Y/N) retrieved what Hana needed to climb back onto the mech and put the battery back into place. Hana put the wires back and screwed the panel back in. Next up Hana wanted to improve her weapon. She went to the guns, "Can you lift the gun up?" "Sure." (Y/N) brought the gun up for Hana to get under it and took the outer armor off. She looked at all of the electrical parts and wires, "Okay, let's see what I can do."

A few hours passed for Hana to wipe her forehead as she finished with the weapons. She had some oil stains on her outfit as (Y/N) was the same. Hana looked outside to see the sun beginning to set, "We're done for the day. Time to head home." With that they left and headed back home. When they arrived they each took a shower to get all of the oil, grime, and dirt off of them. As (Y/N) sat down to watch T.V. as Hana sat next to him. They began to watch some sort of show for Hana's stomach to rumble. Hana looked at (Y/N) who was already getting up, "I'll make dinner." "Thank you." "No problem." After an hour (Y/N) finished to hand Hana a bowl of ramen with steak and vegetables inside of it. Hana took a bite to be developed in delicious flavors once again. 

When the two finished eating Hana went to get for her back to hurt making her wince, "Dang it. Every time I work on the mech." (Y/N) looked at her, "You okay?" "I'm fine. My muscles are just a little sore from carrying heavy stuff today." What she considered heavy (Y/N) could hold in one hand. (Y/N) took his bowl to the sink, "To help I could give you a back massage." "Wh-what?" "It'll make your back muscles feel better. I used to do it during training as some of the other soldiers couldn't move." Hana became red, "I-if you want. But only because I don't want to hurt tomorrow for my stream!" 

Hana laid on the couch for (Y/N) to begin giving her a back massage as the T'V' was still on. Hana rested her head on her arms as she could feel (Y/N) gentle yet rough tough getting rid of the knots in her back. Her body felt like it turn to pudding as she felt at ease, "That feels really good." "Glad that I could help." "This is the best massage I have ever gotten. I bet your exes were happy." "Heh, I wish." "Hmm?" "I have never had a girlfriend actually." Hana's heart began to beat faster, "I don't believe you." "It's true. I used to be picked on in school. I was bullied everyday." "That's awful." "Well if I wasn't bullied I may not be here." 

It was silent for a few seconds for (Y/N) to break the silence, "Anyways I'm sure that one of your boyfriends have given a better massage." "I- I have never had a boyfriend." "Really? I thought that you would of by now." "When I was younger guys didn't really pay attention to me as I never wore makeup and was a really big nerd. And now that I'm older they only see my fame. Except for one person, who I really like." "Really? Who?" "Well when we met they never heard of me. They are really strong. Can cook really well. And is one of the best looking guys I've met. Have you met a woman who you like?" "Well let's see. They were a little rude to me when I first met her. She is quite short, which makes her even cuter. She really likes games, and I mean really likes them. And she surprisingly likes to work on machines. She also seems to be what the woman at the front desk calls a tsundere." The two were silent for a while to which (Y/N) stopped giving the massage, "Do you want to cuddle?" Hana quickly turned around to hug (Y/N) as she buried her face into his chest. An hour passed for (Y/N) to pat Hana's back, "It's ten." "More cuddling." x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now