Chapter 15

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"Snape i'm going to the grocery store be back soon.'' Harry said. Harry never went shopping or really ate, "Try to be back before dinner we need to talk." i yelled back hoping that the young boy going shopping meant he would get food that he would eat because forcing nutrition potens down his throat when he slept was getting annoying. "Draco, come down here." i said to the other boy who was in my care. "What did you get out of him?'' I asked when the blond teen came down. "Nothing much, he said that at his aunt and uncle's house he didn't really eat dinner so he just stopped all together, and when I mentioned dinner and lunch he said, "yah we will go with that'' so I think it is something other than not being fed." Draco reported back to me. "Thank you Draco, I will suggest not to pray any more than you have because Harry needs someone he can trust and since no one knows that he is here with us it has to be you." "ME? Why me?" draco complained. "I just said why." now please go to your room because he should be home any second and I don't want him knowing that you asked those questions for me, because if he does your chances of getting to know him are going to go down.

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