Chapter 36

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"Momma i'm scared." I say this because I started hallucinating. "It's ok baby." she replied to me. "WHERE DID YOU LEAVE HARRY?" I scream because I can't find him. "Pansy it's ok Harry is with the twins." "pansy blaise, Harry is screaming for his dada. Is it one of you?" george pants. "Mr.Weasley you will find that Harry's dada is right behind you."Snape said, holding Dracco like a little boy and he was sleeping. "Merlin's beard." George said, jumping and handing Harry to the man in the gryffindor quidditch jersey shirt. Harry started tugging on Snape's shirt and yelled "JAMES JAMES." "yes baby this did belong to your dad." snape replied. "Daddy can you tell us all a story." Draco said googly, rubbing his eyes. "Sure, one sec i have to ask minnie." "sevie i told you what would happen if you called me Minnie one more time. I get to call you Sevie for the whole year." mommy minnie said. "Minnie, I'm about to pass out." I say and then I black out in my mom's arms.
"How come she gets to call you Minnie." I complained completely knowing the reason. "You know why sevie." she responds. "Poppy pansy just passed out and we need to remove the glass from her head." I say. "Ok please put her on the bed and i can get the glass out of her head. Is she the person who gave Flint the gift of three knives?" the medi-witch said with a smile teasing her face. "Yes that is correct." pansy's mom said putting pansy down. "Kids close your ears." the kids did. "I fucking hate flint." poppy said taking the last glass shard out of pansy's head and magically healing the wound. "She should wake up in a few seconds." Poppy said, leaving. "Minerva, I think it's time I tell the rest of them everything. Is it ok if I tell pansy?" I asked McGonagall. "Yes it's ok, you're missing lilly." she said to me and gave me a hug. "Mommy what happened?" Pansy asks, sitting up and looking around. "Kids we have something to explain to you." I say putting both boys on the hospital bed is pansy. "Ok, when I was nine I used to sit in the tree that Harry would sit in. There Lilly was showing tunia that she could grow a flower in her hands. Vernon was there and he whispered something in tunia's ear and she yelled "freak" at lilly. Lilly came to the tree and so I walked out and showed her magic and told her everything. We became best friends. Two years later we both got accepted into hogwarts. At platform 9 ¾ lily and Petunia had a really big fight. Lilly was crying and we snagged a booth at the back of the train. We carved our initials on the wall. Off topic but. James and Sirius came and started bullying us. Forward to a the day before james and lily's wedding lily came to me and told me that she was pregnant with a boy and asked me if we could do an unbreakable vow to say that if anything happened to her, james, remus, peter, and serius, harry would come to me. I said yes. Everything happened and I went to her house. I found her dead on the floor. Harry was gone and on Harry's bed was James's old quidditch shirt, the picture album of muggle and moving pictures, and a note that said "for both of my boys" That was the day my patronus changed to a doe. Now forward to summer Draco came to me and a week later Harry came to me and now I have two boys in my possession." i explained. "And I inherited pansy last year." Mcgonagall explained hugging pansy who was crying. "Wow." blaise said looking at all of us. "You knew my aunt?'' Harry asked, looking like he was going to cry. "Your aunt was a nice person who was and is still really easy to manipulate.'' I explained to the crying boy. "Draco and harry, do you want to stay at the house on spinner's end?'' I asked the boys. "Harry needs a room that isn't the one we sleep in.'' Draco hugged harry. "One more thing you will find out about me is that i am a daddy dom so I have a nursery.'' I will explain. "And once upon a time i had a little, his name was Lucius Malfoy." i say "i never changed his nursery and i would be happy to let harry use his old nursery.'' I say picking up both of the boys. "Pansy do you want to come sleep in our home tonight blaise you can come if you want to." the mom said holding her hands out. "Yes please." both kids say in unison.

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