Chapter twenty seven

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Back at school Mrs.Stacy was teaching us about electricity.
"Alright everyone, gather around this desk" she said. She stood at the table with a few supplies son it. We all gather around and I stand next to her. She started to explain about electricity and how it works. Anne and Gilbert both put their input after Mrs.Stacy asked a question. They have been trying to one up each other ever for a while. As if they want to prove who is smarter. I notice a figure behind me. It was Billy. He stood there watching over my shoulder. I turn back to the demonstration. Mrs.Stacy explains how to make a lightbulb light up with the use of a potato. I was following along well since I was fully paying attention.
"All objects that take up space and have mass are called what?" She asked.
"Matter?" I ask.
"Yes correct Jessie" she smiled at me. "Everything around us is made up of matter. Chocolate cake is, this school is"
She puts the nails into the potatoes. She explained that since we don't have a standard power source we would make our own electric current. She screws in the lightbulb once she was done and it lights up.
"Woah" I say in awe of what was happening. We all applaud. Someone clears their throat behind us. We all turn to see Mrs.Lynde and other women.  Mrs.Stacy walks to them.
"Why are they here?" Billy whispers to me.
"I have no idea" I turn back to the table where Moody started to mess with the potatoes. I don't think that's a good idea. He picks up one end of the wire.
"Does it taste like chocolate?" He asked and puts it against his tongue all of us protesting and telling him to not to. He jumps back causing the lightbulb to fall. It shattered on the ground, the potatoes hitting soon after. I jump back as well, Billy's arm shooting out in front of me.
"My child!" Moody's mother called out.
"Everyone stay still, let's keep our heads" Mrs.Stacy said. "Logic dictates there are no shards under your feet and I would like to keep it that way"
My breathing goes back to normal after the scare we all just had. Billy looks over at me and his arm lowers down.
"You alright Jess?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yeah I just got a little spooked" I say.
He nodded. "Good"
Mrs.Stacy rushed to get a broom and the mothers who where there, rush to their kids to make sure they where ok. I sigh and walk to my desk. I sit on the edge of the table watching the room around me. Billy walks to me and stands in front of me. He leans over slightly and puts his hands on the desk, on each side of me.
"Billy what are you doing?" I ask. From an outside prospective it may seem like Billy was getting in my comfort zone, when really I was just surprised he was getting close to me. In public.
"I want us to be public now Jessie" he said.
A smile forms on my face. I now knew. "It's been hard not to hug you and show off that your mine. And with what happened with Chris  I want them to know your mine" he smiled and kissed me. My hands go to his chest as he kisses me.
"Billy Andrews get off of her!" Anne yelled.
Billy pulls away and looks at Anne quickly. Almost the whole class was watching us. I get off the desk. Anne was storming to billy but I get in front of him.
"Anne it's ok. We are courting" I say. Billy wraps an arm around me. My eyes scan the faces of the students. Some where surprised. Josie was horrified and shocked. She tried to stay casual but she wasn't doing a good job at it.
"Oh..." Anne said. "Sorry" she said to me before rushing off.

I was beginning to love our new teacher. She was so nice and she was such a good teacher. She did a lot more hands on learning. She even had us start a paper for the school. I got to work with Anne on writing her sections. I was glad to help her. Anne's first story was on the next hokey game. The girls all gathered around in a huddle. Unfortunately I couldn't help Anne since I had to play goalie. Gilbert was one captain and Billy was the other. Charlie was the other goalie. During a break in the game I skated over to the girls.
"Hey Anne!" I smile. "Hey girls" I smile. All the girls gather by me. Most of the shivering.
"You came on your horse Anne?" I ask spotting the chestnut beauty.
Anne nodded. "Yes I did"
"Woah, she's a beauty" I smile.
Suddenly the noise of ice scrapping and snow flying up onto me catches my attention. Billy had slid so ice and snow had sprayed on me. My jaw drops and I gasp.
"Billy Andrews!" I yell. I skate after him, I hear the girls giggling. "You get back here!" Ever since we became public, Billy teased me more and more. Of course in a fun and silly way. And I loved it.
I held my stick out to him to try to reach him. I hook the end of the stick on his stomach and pull him to me. Either he wasn't fighting or I was just strong enough to pull him to me. He stops right in front of me, we where very close and he smirked down at me. A smirk appears on my face also.
"You're gonna pay for that." I say.
"Oh yeah? How?" He asked.
I lean in to kiss him, he leans to kiss me too but I pull away and shove him over into the snow. I laugh and he laughs too.
I hear the girl's conversation nearby.
"I can't believe those two. Disgusting!" Josie snapped.
"Josie shut up. They are adorable and they are both so happy" Jane said.
"I bet you are happy too Jane" Diana said.
"What do you mean?" Jane asked.
I helped Billy up and he kisses my cheek.
"She could be your sister-in-law" Tillie said smiling.
"Yeah I know!" Jane smiled and giggled.

The game went smoothly and we won. After the game I spot two people walking to us. One tall male with a young girl. They looked like natives. My grandmother was a native who married my grandfather who was from the city. I had some native blood in me. It was the reason for my hair and my darker skin. It wasn't too much darker but even now in the winter it was dark. Even my face showed a little bit of indigenous features. Moody was given a new stick from the man. A very good handcrafted one I might add. Gilbert walks over and talks to them. Soon Anne goes over and gestures for me to come also. She asked to see if she could write a paper on them. She asked to go to their village. They agree. Billy skates over as Anne leaves.
"I'm Jessie by the way" I say to the girl who's name was Ka'kwet.
"Hello." She said.
"Could I get a new stick?" Billy asked.
The man nodded.
Billy turns to me. "We better go, before the savages try to kidnap you" he said in a hushed tone.
I clench my jaw. "Calling them a savage would be like calling me a savage Billy. My grandmother was a native so I have some Native blood in me." I snap.
He looks ashamed and skated away. I turn to them. "I'm sorry about him" I say. "I love him but he can be rude at times"
"It's alright" Ka'kwet said "You don't look like the others. Is it true you have a native grandmother?"
I nodded proudly. "My grandmother was a native. Her jeans passed to my mother then to me" I smile.
"Well maybe you could come to the village with Anne and we can tell you about our heritage."
"I would love that!" I look at the man who was Ka'kwet's father. He smiled and nodded.
"Thank you both so much. I'll see you soon" I rush off to I could get him in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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