twenty eight

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I have no picture relating to this chapter so here's Silas Santiago's mood/ aesthetic board. [a/n!! this was Silas's first aesthetic board I made, it's definitely different now]


It was 11:45pm and all the boys were asleep.

We watched marvel movies all day and stuffed our faces with junk food. One by one they eventually fell asleep, leaving me awake on my phone.

So I texted the trio group chat,

A- I told them. Ahh I love being horrible at starting conversations.

N- Told who what?

B- I'm confused.

A- I told the biologicals.

B- and how'd that go?

A- way better than expected. They listened and still want me here so :p.

BUT they we're treating me like I was fragile this morning,

So I threatened them with Luci :)

N- That's great A, but did you really have to name your karambit. It's literally just a knife.

A- Shes not jUsT a KnIfE she's gotten me through many battles.

B- your both so dramatic.

N- you wound us Bells >:(

A- severely :(

I heard the door open and shut quietly.

A- I'll text you guys later I think dads home.

I listened for foot steps and herd light ones, not Dad's.

Did someone break in?

Silently standing up, I walk out of the theater room and tip toe down the hall. Careful not to make any noise.

What the hell.

Hearing the footsteps head up to the third floor office, I make my way up next to the door and listen.

I couldn't hear anything but once someone walked out I grabbed their arm and flip them over my shoulder to the ground.

It was dark in the hallway, so I couldn't see their face but they did fall with a loud thud which woke my brothers up.

Four pairs of footsteps came down the hall as I kept the person down, which was slightly difficult because of how much they were struggling.

It won't be that easy bud.

The hall light turned on as my brothers made it to the third floor, looking at the person under my hold I see a man in his possibly late 30s that looks similar to dad staring at me.

Ignoring my brothers, I question him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Demitri help there's a teenage girl attacking me!" He screeched.

What the hell?

I felt myself being picked up by someone and the man got up. Turning in this persons hold I see my dad and my brothers right next to him.

Setting me down on the ground I sort myself out before looking at the stranger, "Dad who's the random?"

"Your Uncle Dante."

I choked and looked at them, "Uncle?"

"Your telling me my niece just threw me to the ground like a sack of potatoes?" He's odd.

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