[6] Trouble

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Kagami has always had a tendency to get into trouble, but only trouble she can get out of.

Until now.

As she walks along the fruit market with fruits galore, notices that the nin around her are moving oddly. Not in the sense that they are being controlled, but in the scene that it doesn't really look like they are following her, more like they are escorting her.

Ah, she has fallen into their trap it would seem. They want her to keep moving forward, that way, whoever is waiting at the end will have her and whoever she is moving within their sight.

But Kagami isn't that dumb. She may lack an education but if there is anything she is good at, it is being a ninja and knowing when something around her is not right. Or if it is, and she just doesn't like it so she does something anyway to avoid the situation.

Kagami is embarrassed easily.

And she never wants to feel embarrassment ever again. So she will never put herself in a situation that may embarrass her in any way, shape or form. The best way to do that at the moment is to leave the fruit market before she reaches the end.

The only question is, where is the end and how far can she walk before she reaches the end. She notices Kisame turn down a side street, his head reaching above the average height of the crowd.

She makes note of where he turns and moves toward the left of the crowd so she can also turn down the street and follow him. She takes note of multiple people also moving slightly to the left as she does. She pays no attention to them and turns down the street, seeing Kisame walk into a small store immediately.

'Now is not the time for tea and dango,' she heads towards the store anyway, she knows that neither of the men go anywhere without stopping for a snack.

It has caused many close calls before and Kagami has mentioned every time that if they had not stopped for tea and dango that they would not be in the position they are in, yet both men stop every village. Walking into a store and sitting down casually as if they are regular citizens. Kagami once got irritated enough she lashed out and mentioned that there is a reason as to why they didn't collect Naruto from Konoha that one time.

Itachi activated his Sharingan and glared at her for multiple moments.

And everyone in the Akatsuki wonders why Kagami is quiet all the time. Hidan, was there when it happened and took the side of the young girl, stepping in front of her as she decided to look directly into Itachi's eyes so he would feel bad.

Kagami was surprised at the time, but now she just understands that the Akatsuki aren't relatively close to each other, but they have some sort of emotion in the mix because every now and then it shows through.

One of the members opening her door just to make sure she is in there, the meals together, the random times when everyone agrees to sit down together and talk.

Kagami finds it strange.

She turns into the stall that Kisame walked into mere seconds ago and comes to a stop, her eyes widening slightly.

Two shinobi stand around, kunai pointed to the three of them dangerously. Kagami internally rolls her eyes. Yet another reason to not stop at every town and have tea and dango. Kagami looks at Itchai, a knowing look in her eyes as she looks at him, her eyebrow raising very slightly.

Itachi's gaze hardens and he glares at her, really wanting to just get out of their current situation. Here is the deal. They don't have their cloaks on, so if they get out of the situation quickly enough, with no fatalities than they can be passed off as randoms.

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