Visiting Dr. Mathew skills

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chapter 7

It was a shabby old looking building at the side of city hall. The large windows were covered with dull drapes; the scent of old people was all around mixing with the smell of medicines. It wasn't an amusing site to be in. Then I stepped in and saw nurses dressed in white with hair caps and satin bows, roaming around with grim faces. It was clearly seen how forcefully they were doing their job just for sake of money and zero empathy for the ripened citizens. I headed towards the reception and the receptionist pointed to the left corner of the room, an old looking man in his late 70s with white beard and wrinkled face was sitting on a wheelchair. He did not seemed to be in senses; his face leaning to one side of his shoulder with eyes closed and both the hands resting on laps with right index finger constantly pointing at random direction. He had a nurse 24/7 by his side feeding him and cleaning him, Dr. Mathew was nothing like one I saw on internet, in picture he was a smart looking middle aged man with no beard , happy and fresh but now he was skinny and just a piece of flesh waiting for death...

Ahmmmm..mmm , I cleared my throat : "DR. this is Kathleen Philidia; I'm here to talk to you..."

DR: (no movement!)

Nurse: "listen ma'am; our authorities have already informed you that it's not going to work! Please let Dr. Skills rest, it's of no use talkin....."

Kate: "...oh please let me try once more, its important..."

Nurse: "hurry up then you have five more minutes, after that our visiting hours are over, but trust me it's all in vain." She smirked and left.

Kate sighed heavily. Ughhhhh! And turned back to doctor Skills.

"Doctor I know that you are listening, please help me! I need your aid otherwise Ill end up here as well..."

Doctor did not give a response until...

"Those black mirrors are calling out for me..."

To thishis hands started shaking and whole body shivering; he started to perspire andshouted: "Burn the diary! .... Destroy it ..."

He was so loud that the entire rest home echoed. To this other mental patients got scared and started making threatening noises. The sounds caused great disturbance and all the hospital staff was called to calm the situation. Within all this I was kicked off the hospital along with the warning to never return.

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