Behave There is a Guest

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"Good morning princess," Jed said with a big grin as he walked into Amber's room.

"Are you okay baby?" Jed said moving towards the girl as she didn't make a move.

"Don't touch me." She mumbles softly pushing him backwards; just wanting to sleep forever.

He gripped hard on the young girl's chin.

"Behave you little brat or I will get Bryan." He said his voice like venom.

"Sorry, sir" Amber quickly spoke lowering her gaze. Jed through the bag at her with a huff.

"Here... Put this on." He said looking around the room.

Opening the bag, Amber searched inside only to find underwear and a bra. She stared up at Jed with confusion.

"Well hurry up." He said moving away.

"P-please don't make me wear that s-sir." She stuttered in a shaky voice gripping at his shirt.

"Why must I wear such a thing? What is happening-" She questions as Jed shakes his head.

He bends down to her level with a soft smile.

"No questions okay? Just do it." He says as nicely as he could.

Amber swallows hard not wanting to ruin his good mood.

"I will be back in a second and you better have that on, nothing else. Just what's in the bag." He said with a stern voice, as she started to undress. Since Jed was taking his time, she took a seat on the bed trying to hold in the tears. Jumping at the sudden loud commotion from the floor above she snapped her head towards the door.

"Fucking hell Jed, open the door!" Bryan screamed for the whole neighbourhood to hear. Jed mumbles inappropriate language under his breath as he unlocked the door pulling it open.

"What?" He sighs before noticing a man next to Bryan.

"Come inside. Want a drink?" Bryan asks somewhat nicely as he pushes Jed aside letting the man make his way inside towards the couch.

"Go get her," Bryan whispers harshly to Jed before turning his attention to the man who was staring around his focus mainly on the messy coffee table causing Jed to swear once again under his breath for not cleaning it.

"Y-yes?" Amber mumbled shyly as Jed burst into her room.

"We have a guest, Bryan and I would very much appreciate it if you would be nice." He said walking around the young girl.

"Otherwise..." Jed trailed off grabbing a handful of Amber's hair tugging it harshly.

"You will get a once in a lifetime beating." He hissed his teeth gritted together.

"Yes sir, I w-will um be good sir." She stutters slightly lowering her head.

Slowly a smile grew on Jed's face happy with the reply, he unravelled his hand from Amber's hair, taking her small fragile hand. They walked up the stairs, Jed telling Amber to keep her head down and call the man sir at all times.

As soon as the young girl could see inside the living room, her eyes were met with a short skinny male. Slowly her eyes wandered over to her father, his hands waving around like crazy pointing towards the ground. Quickly Amber lowered her head shuffling her feet, noticing how dirty the carpet was it made her forget about the insecurities of her body. The guest strolled around Amber's small figure.

"How old did you say she was?" He asked.

"She is sixteen," Bryan said simply.

Amber couldn't help but flinch when the man started to touch her body. First, his hands wrapped around her ankles, down her back then her hair.

"Her hair is too long for my liking." He huffed.

"You can always cut it," Bryan spoke up quickly making Amber scrunch her nose in disagreement.

"Does she do what she is told?" He asked and moved away from the young girl, Amber silently thanked the god above allowing her to breathe again, not only was he scary but he was wearing way too much cologne.

"uh well um sh- well I mean-" Bryan stuttered for words.

"Yes or no?" The strange man said with a firm voice.

"She has a bit of an attitude at times but most of the time it is quite easy to contain." Jed spoke. The guest walked towards Amber once again gripping onto her chin pulling her head up forcing her to look at up him.

"Hm hello." He spoke to the young girl like she was some kind of animal. Amber couldn't help but stare into his dull blue eyes. Connecting the dots, she realised what was going on, her father was trying to sell her to this disgusting man. The man clicked his fingers in front of the girls face waiting for an answer.

"What do you say?" Bryan grits his teeth.

"Hello to you to Mr ugly." Was all that Amber could say before she was pushed to the ground

"Get her under control!" The newcomer said grabbing his coat walking out; Bryan following close behind him.

"Get yourself together or I can fucking make your life a living hell!" Jed whispered with gritted teeth.

"You have already made my life hell! What else are you going to do?" Amber shouted straight back at him. His hand wrapped around her small fragile arm, his nails digging into her arm causing her to whimper in pain as his other arm wrapped around her throat getting tighter by the second.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." Amber choked out as Jed tightens it just for a moment to get his point across before letting go, so she could catch her breath. Jed then grabbed her arm again tugging her down the stairs only to throw her inside on the hard floor before slamming the door shut. He didn't need to clean up any more blood and knowing how pissed Bryan would be after that little scene Amber couldn't be anywhere near him.

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