I Can Do This

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Amber shuffles through the piles of boxes desperately searching for something, anything. Eventually, Amber found a small black bobby pin. With a glisten of hope, she ran towards the door trying to pick the lock. Amber has seen people doing it on movies how hard could it be?

Amber's knee ached from kneeling down as she struggles with the lock, tears even started to prick at her eyes as she balls her fist hitting the hard wooden door in anger.

"Please just let me fucking out!" She whispers to herself as her breathing becomes all jagged and heavy her fever not helping at all.

"Breathe, it will be okay, I can do this" She mumbles,

"I can do this?" She says gaining her breath back.

"I can do this!" She almost shouts as she stands up her eyes darting around the room looking for something else.

Moving a couple of the boxes she turned around in a rush feeling very worried as to how much time she had already wasted.

"I can do this!" She says again as she finds the end of a broomstick.

"I can do this!"

Amber grips the broomstick steadying herself on the boxes smashing it against the window. Glass scatters over the place, gently brushing the small ledge Amber starts to climb through the small window, using up nearly all her strength. Rolling the girl laid on her back staring up at the night sky.

"I did it" She whispered to herself.

"Amber?" Bryan shouts limping down the stairs.

Shivering she pulled herself up onto her feet looking down at the deathly grass. Turning she looked down at the window catching a quick glimpse of her father. Without another word she ran, she ran as far as she could. Her heart started to pound faster and faster as her throat started to burn she would blink hard as the cold air made them sting, causing her to barely see where she was going, everything was a blur all she could see was the darkness of the night.

Gulping loud Amber wiped her eyes with her shaky cold hands trying to see. Desperately she looked around taking in her surrounds feeling very cold, alone and very afraid. Her mind was running through all the thoughts of where her mother was? If Jed and Bryan would find her and take her back, where they would slowly kill her mentally and physically. Images came rushing in her mind at all the different ways they could punishment her for leaving, warm salty tears formed in the young girl's eyes as she falls to the ground not able to run any further. 

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