Chapter Fifteen - Safehouse

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The ice cream truck was not suspicious.

Not at all.

One hundred percent camouflage.

If camouflage meant every single child that saw them pointed and waved.

Arlo didn't help matters either.

He waved right back at them.

Cameron slid down in the passenger seat, facing away from the side window as kids hollered at the truck with smiles lighting up their faces. They were driving through a small neighborhood, trying to keep away from the busy streets where people could recognize them. Not that the parents of the excited children couldn't easily recognize them if they looked close enough, but they were too busy trying to drag said excited kids away.

There were the odd few parents who glanced at the truck suspiciously, keeping hold of their child's hand tightly. Cameron hid her face when she spotted these parents. She didn't want the police to get a tip-off on where they were. Especially with Kalmin still semi-conscious, Ashley still running about and her questions still unanswered.

Her questions. They were something she hadn't totally sorted through yet. She had them, a lot of them, but there were so many. She needed to figure out the main ones. Who she was going to ask them to was another story.

Ashley had answered some of her questions, but her answers just left Cameron with more questions to ask. Who were Ashley's parents? Why did she want to kill her because of them? How did Cameron take her parents away from her? Questions to add to the already bulging pile stored in her head.

One of the main questions she had was one she had thought since the beginning of this madness. Why did her fake-parents lie to her? She wanted to know why. Why, for her whole life, did they lie about being her parents, about herself not having any brothers, having no other family at all? However, these questions couldn't be answered until they found the answers to others.

Such as, where were her fake-parents? Who had taken them? Why did they want herself in exchange for them? How did they get them back? 

Questions with answers they needed to find out, but she had no idea where they could start. 

Sitting in an ice cream truck with her six brothers; one semi-conscious, one fast asleep, one typing away, one driving, one keeping track of where they were, and one sat in silence with his eyes closed; was not somewhere she could get answers from.

A dull feeling appeared in her stomach as she thought about her brothers, like a rock stuck in the bottom of her stomach. They had already helped her so much, and what had she done for them in return. Let them get beat up, burned, chased down like criminals, and shot. She was new to being a sister, but this is not what one did. 

She shouldn't be letting them get hurt just so she could get answers. It wasn't fair. She shouldn't-

"Arlo, head to the warehouse. Do you know how to get to it from here?" Myles cut across her thoughts, his voice disturbing everyone in the truck. They had been sat in a peaceful silence for the last half an hour.

"Yep!" Arlo answered, slowing down as they neared a junction. 

Cameron sighed, and let herself fall back into her thoughts. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long to get wherever this warehouse was, she needed to stretch her legs.


An hour and a half later, the pastel coloured, cartoon covered, ice cream truck pulled up to a dark gray warehouse.

 The warehouse stood among many others, the same coloured grays making them all blend in with each other. They were all built symmetrically, and painted one solid colour. The one thing that helped them be separated from each other was the large yellow number on the side of each of them.

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