Memory block

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I sigh and look towards Josh again. "You don't have to believe me but I know it happened." I say still looking towards Josh. They all nod and sit down. Eventually they all fall asleep. I was about to fall asleep when all of a sudden I felt Josh gently squeeze my hand. My eyes shoot open and I look towards Josh. His eyes are fluttering and he is squeezing my hand tighter. "Josh?" I ask. Then his eyes open and he smiles at me. "B-baby?" He groans. "Y-yes I am going to call the doctor." I say. I grab the remote and call the doctor. "Everyone wake up." I say. Everyone sits up and run over to the hospital bed. "Josh your awake." His mom says. "W-who are you?" He asks her. What but he remembered me? "Josh it's your mother." She says. Then he looks at me. "Baby who are all these people?" He asks me. Then the doctor runs in. "Oh he's awake. We can finally check his head." The doctor says. "W-where am I?" Josh asks. "You are at the hospital. You were in an accident. Do any of these people look familiar?" The doctor asks. "Uh." He looks at all of us. "J-just Nessa." He says. The doctor looks at him weird and everybody looks towards the doctor. Except for me I am looking at Josh. "Oh. This has only happened one other time. He must have hit his memory. The only reason why he only finds Nessa familiar is because when he hit his head the only thing he was thinking about was her." The doctor explains. "That doesn't even make sense." His mom says. "I know that is why it has only happened one other time. Last time this happened the boy only remembered that one person for his whole life. He only remembered the memories with that one person but this time might be different. We just have to test his head." The doctor says. We all nod and then they wheel Josh's bed out. I just sit down. He could have been thinking about anything else or anyone else but he was thinking about me. I love him so much. I do hope he gets his memory back though. About an hour later they wheel Josh back into the room. "Ok. He has something called Memory Block. He will remember all the memories he had with Nessa but it won't always be like that like the last case we had. He didn't hit his head as hard. So you guys just need to be patient with him show him and tell him different memories you guys have had. It could take a week or it could take a month. You never know just be patient. Also try to keep Nessa near him as much as possible because he might freak out if she is not near like during these first few weeks." The doctor says. We all nod and then the doctor says he has to stay for an hour longer and then we can go home.

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