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It was finally my favorite day, September 1st, the day I get to come home. My friends and I boarded the Hogwarts express and took a booth in the middle of the train. I had spent the night at the the burrow where my best friends lived. My twin brother Harry and I always did so before the first day of school. Fred, George, Ginny and I sat down together in a booth while Harry, Hermione and Ron took the one next to us.

"Are you exited Evanora?" Fred asked me looking all excited himself. I really loved his smile, that smile could melt any girls heart, same for George of course.

"Absolutely! I've been waiting for this day all summer!" I answered happily. Since Harry and I didn't have a real home, Hogwarts and the burrow was the closest to a home we had. The burrow really was the second best place on earth, I loved it with all of my heart and so did I with the people living there.

"I'm just happy we can joke around with the teachers again!" George said. Apparently he and Fred had practiced new prank spells all summer.

Ginny rolled her eyes smiling and said: "I guess you two will spend a lot of time in detention together this year then."

Fred just smiled at first but then said: "that's the thing little sis, we don't get caught."

"You never know" I said jokingly and we all laughed a little. Then the train started moving and we were on our way.


By the time we arrived to the Hogwarts train station we all had changed into our robes and we left the train together. Not looking at the steps while walking out of the train I fell. The ground wasn't hard, i landed softly, but then I realized I fell onto somebody.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I said trying to get off but the person underneath me interrupted me.

"Get off of me you filthy rat!" A boy said loudly. He had platinum blonde hair and grey eyes. It was Draco Malfoy that I had fell onto, the worst possible person. I got off and he stood up as well. He then brushed of the dirt that he had gotten on his robes from the fall. "Of course it's you Pottah! You disgusting little-" Draco said disgustedly but got interrupted.

"Shut it Malfoy!" I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.

"Cedric Diggory" Draco spat. "Came to save your princess?" All of Draco's friends laughed as well as Draco himself at his comment.

"Can't you annoy someone else? Like your beloved pug-faced Pansy?" Cedric said annoyed. 'Why did Draco have to start drama on the first day' he thought.

Draco walked closer towards Cedric, only inches away from his face. "Watch your mouth Diggory! You don't want me as your enemy." Draco said angrily and walked away with his Slytherin minions following him.

"Thank you Cedric" I smiled at him. He gave me big smile and a hug. "Long time no see" I said while in the hug.

"You shouldn't let him talk to you like that Nora!" He whispered in my ear. We released the hug but still in his arms he said: "I've missed you." Then he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Cedric and I were very close. He asked me to the ball in the 4th year and ever since we've been the best of friends, sometimes even more than best friends. But we never crossed the line, we always made sure to be the best of friends for each other. But sometimes we would cuddle and give each other small kisses on the cheeks. Many thought we were dating, I understand why they thought so though.

Cedric, the twins, Ginny and I took a carriage together back to the castle. I was excited, more than any words could ever explain.

When we arrived at the castle everyone quickly walked towards the great hall. Cedric and I said goodbye to each other as he walked towards the Hufflepuff table and I towards the Gryffindor table. My eyes searched the Gryffindor table until I saw that Ginny had already taken a seat. She was a year younger than me but she was still my best friend. I sat down next to her and a few minutes later when all students had arrived, Dumbledore had his yearly speech. After that the first years got sorted and then we started to eat dinner.

I felt somebody staring at me. My eyes moved towards the Slytherin table, where I found the source of the staring. His brown eyes met my own green eyes. He smirked and I got embarrassed because of the eye contact. I quickly looked down at my plate but I could still feel him staring at me. George had earlier sat down next to me so I asked him: "Who is that black haired boy over there at the Slytherin table?" My eyes once again looking over at the Slytherin boy who now was looking away talking to other Slytherins.

"That my friend is Adrian Pucey" he answered. "He's one of the Slytherin chasers, and he's a good one too... but don't tell anyone I told you that." George winked at me.

Why did a Slytherin look at me? A Gryffindor? Maybe Draco had talked rubbish about me? Or maybe I had dirt on my face? I had no idea why but this was something I just wanted to ignore.


Most students were now done eating and were heading towards their dormitories to hang out with their missed house friends. Ginny and I also decided to head back to the common room to unpack our stuff and hang out before the first day with actual lessons. We left and on the way there we stumbled upon a familiar face. A platinum blonde haired boy and his friends were walking towards us.

"Ah look who's all alone now, no boyfriend to protect her" Draco said as he came closer. He stopped a few steps away from us. "I never made you pay for making my robes dirty Pottah! He spat.

"Leave her alone or I'll hex you Malfoy!" Ginny said stepping closer to him with a very angry expression on her face. Draco wasn't bothered by her though, he just looked at her and smirked as if she wasn't a threat at all. Draco slowly walked passed her and came closer to me.

"Your friend has a lot of nerves for being a tiny little Weasley slug" he said quietly in my face. "It's funny though, how she has to stand up for you. Are you afraid Potter? You should be, watch your back!" Draco spat. He smirked, looking all pleased of what he said.

Draco hated me. Ever since Harry ditched his friend invitation he absolutely hated both me and Harry. I also were an 'easy target' to bully. He knew Harry would always talk back but I never did.

"Let's get out of here Draco, before anyone like Snape catches us" a boy behind him said. I looked behind Draco and saw who it was... Adrian? Adrian met my eyes and I was chocked that a Slytherin actually helped me get out of this situation. Draco looked at me one last time as if he had won an argument and then he and the other Slytherins walked past us. I followed Adrian with my eyes as they  walked away. When they turned the corner Adrian looked back at me before disappearing behind the wall.

I sighed and said "let's go" to Ginny and we continued to walk towards our common room. I knew that one thing was certain, I was not going to sleep a lot tonight.

. . . . . . . . . .
A/n: Thank you for reading my first chapter! Things will get more and more intense or interesting after time but I get you'll notice that yourself:) Happy reading and vote if you like it!

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now