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It was now 8pm and I stood outside the library waiting for Draco with my potions books in my arms. It was dark outside and the hallways were only lid up by candles. I knew Hogwarts was the safest place on earth but it still gave me chills thinking about everything that could be hiding in the dark.

Time passed and people walked in and out of the library, but there was still no sight of Malfoy. He was late and my patience ran out. I waited a few more minutes until I got so annoyed at him that I decided to leave. But before I could take my third step he showed up. Malfoy walked towards me and when he passed me he hit my shoulder with his own. It made me turn around and I crossed my arms. "You're late!" I said annoyed.

He huffed at me and continued to walk into the library without looking back at me. Why was he so moody all the damn time? I rolled my eyes at his behavior and followed him into the library. It was now around 8:30 pm and the library was getting empty. Draco walked further and further into the library until we were at the very end. The candles on the walls lid up when we walked passed them. He sat down at a table that was right next to a big window. A a huge bookshelf hid the table from anyone who entered the library, he did not want to be seen with me. I sat down at the other side of the table, as far away from him as I possibly could.

"So, let's first decide which potion we are going to make." I said starting the conversation.

"I guess by the fact that you got pared up with me that you are very good at potions?" Malfoy asked me with no emotions in his voice.

"You're correct." I said and then whispered under my breath "for the first time ever."

He heard what I said and got angry. "What did you say you git?" Draco stared at me with angry eyes. Clearly he had gotten pissed of before getting here so teasing him only make it worse. His eyes were burning holes in mine as he waited for an answer. I swear to god if I had said something just a little more insulting, he would've start beating me up right then and there, that's how pissed of he was.

"Nothing" I murmured looking down at the table. I decided to not start anything tonight, if I did one of us would probably end up in the hospital wing.

"I Thought so." He said getting less tense. After a few seconds of him calming down he continued the conversation that got interrupted just a minute ago. "I thought we could make veraitserum. It's hard to make so we could probably get the best grade in the class."

"Veraitserum?" I say surprised. "But that takes one lunar phase to make! And we would have to work on the essay at least two or three days a week!"

"I know but if we don't work enough on this assignment then we're going to get an average grade and I will not get average just because you decided that it took too much time."

"Malfoy you know that you're currently requesting that we spend every other day hanging out, don't you? I don't think I'll be able to stand you, I can't even stand you right now!?"

"Yeah about that Potter.." Draco said and looked down at the table like he was embarrassed of what he was about to say. "I think it's time that we stop acting so childish. I'm calling a truce" he continued. He then looked at me to see what my reaction would be.

My mouth was wide open. Draco Malfoy - calling a truce - with me - Evanora Potter? He must be high on something. "You're joking?" I was chocked and laughed a surprised laugh, I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did that really just come from Draco Malfoy's mouth?

He saw my reaction and got a little bit annoyed. "Forget it" he said quietly looking down at the table again. He knew this was a risky question.

Yes I was very chocked, but it was only because of the fact that it did come from him. If it would've been anyone else like Blaise or any other Slytherin it would make sense, but Malfoy? It was however a brilliant idea. I hated fighting with people and Slytherins and Gryffindors were basically taught to hate each other. Adrian wanted to change that, what if Draco did too? "Malfoy I think it's a brilliant idea." I told him and he looked at me to see if I were joking or not. I gave him a warm tiny smile to show him that I was for real.

"Great. Now, should we start planning for the assignment?" He said opening his books.

"Sure." We then stayed there talking about the assignment for an hour. The curfew stressed us so we decided to meet there again tomorrow at the same time. This time Draco promised not to be late like he was today. We also decided to meet at that table every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday if needed at 8 pm to work on the essay. We gathered our books but before I could leave he stopped me.

"Potter, let's make it a little more official." He said and I got very confused. Draco then reached out his hand for me to shake and said "truce?" I looked at him up and down at first thinking about it for a bit until I grabbed his hand to shake it.

"Truce" I also said while shaking his hand. We let go and walked out of the library. He walked a few steps behind me and we left the library. When we were just outside the doors he grabbed my arm making me stop once again and I turn around to face him.

"Can we please tell no one about this?" Draco looked nervous. Of course, there's always a catch. Malfoy was only selfish, he didn't want to change how the houses felt about one another. He only wanted to make these study sessions easier for him.

I ripped my arm away from his grip as I got frustrated by him, by his selfishness. "Fine!" I said. "But only if you won't bully me ever again! That includes in front of your friends as well!" I said determined.

Draco sighed and thought for a couple of seconds. He didn't want his friends to notice this truce at all, but what choice did he really have other than to agree on this deal? "Okey fine!"

I was pleased. Draco Malfoy would finally stop bullying me. That didn't mean the other Slytherins would stop though. I was sure that would eventually stop as well. When everyone saw me and Adrian at the ball they would be totally chocked at first, but then they would probably also make friends in the other houses. That was one way of how that night could change Hogwarts. The other one is that it would only make the bullying and hatred worse...

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A/n: I know this is short but it's easier for me to write shorter chapters and then I can post them quicker. Also thank you for over a hundred reads! ❤️

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now