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I was the only one cleaning. Of course was that shitty Malfoy was just sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. All he had done was to pick up a chair and put it on the right way so he could sit on it. After 30 minutes I had fixed all the tables and chairs. I was now picking up the torn apart papers. He just sat there and did nothing and I got pretty damn pissed.

"What the heck Malfoy! Aren't you going to help!?" I shouted at him. He stared at me with an angry expression. His blonde hair was covering his mean eyes and he had a frown.

"No" Draco said cockily. He really had the nerves to act like this.

"You're ruining everything!" I crossed my arms and sat down in a chair that was behind me. "Fine! Then I won't do anything either!" I turned my head away from him. I didn't want to look at him, he drove me mad.

Draco then stood up. He walked slowly towards me and stopped right in front of me. His head was tilted down towards me and I could feel his eyes burning into my face. "Do you actually think that I, a Malfoy, would help a dirty little orphan like yourself? Pathetic".

I quickly turned my head to stare right back at him and I stood up fast as hell. "How heartless do you have to be to talk to somebody like that!" Anger flooded my veins, but sadness was the strongest feeling I felt right now. It hurt when he called me an orphan. I was chocked at what he said, I didn't think Malfoy was that heartless.

I didn't realize until now that me and Draco stood face to face. Literally. Just a few inches was the only thing between our faces. He was a little bit taller than me so he looked down and I up. Both of us were extremely mad. I swear I could've hit him right there and then.

"This is detention, not a hookup session." Without us noticing Snape had gotten back and he was now standing by the door. Draco immediately backed away when he heard Snape.

"You really think-" Draco started but Snape interrupted him.

"Mr Malfoy, continue with the cleaning will you?" Snape said. He then took at seat on one of the chairs I fixed earlier to show that he wouldn't leave this time. He probably knew we would fight and that's why he came to check on us. Malfoy realized he now also had to clean because Professor Snape was there. Draco grabbed a broom and started cleaning the floor. I continued with picking up the papers.


"How was it?" Fred said when I came through the door to our common room. He knew that I had just spent detention alone with Draco. Fred, George, Neville and Oliver wood sat at the table in the corner of the common room. They were all alone in there. All the other students had either gone to bed or they were just chilling in their dormitories.

"A total disaster" I answered and rolled my eyes while walking towards the table they sat around. George then stood up towards me and he clearly had something behind his back.

He smiled at me and said "I have a surprise for you." He then revealed what he had behind his back. It was a full bottle of fire whiskey. "To make your night batter." All the other boys at the table cheered because they were super excited.

"Where the hell did you get this?" I was surprised, not in a bad way though. I was actually quite happy, this would make my night better.

"Nicked it from Filch's office of course! You'd be in chock if you knew what he had in there" both of the twins laughed. I sat down on an empty chair next to Oliver and all five of us took a shot each. To make things spicy, we all agreed on playing truth or dare, and if you wouldn't do the dare or speak the truth you would have to take a shot. We went on and on with the game, it was hilarious and after an hour we all were a little drunk. I however was the most effected one. Since I was smaller than all of the guys, it took me less shots to get drunk. The game went on and we were having so much fun. But it was all fun and games until this dare came to life.

"Oliver your turn!" George said a little intoxicated from the alcohol.

"I'll do dare" he too was under the influence of alcohol.

"I dare you toooo... kiss the prettiest girl in the room." Fred laughed, knowing there was only one girl in the room.

"Umm okey." Oliver wasn't in his rightful mind so he didn't think much of it. And I was totally gone. I had no idea what I was doing at the time. Oliver came closer to me and I heard what the dare was so I decided to help him on the way. As mentioned, I was not myself. Drunk version of me was a lot less caring and a lot more like a... slut, if that's what you want to call it.

I got up from my chair and to everyone's surprise I sat down in Oliver's lap with my legs wrapped around his hips. The boys didn't expect us to go all in, neither did I if I'm being honest. I didn't even like Oliver like that, he was a great friend. I guess drunk me liked him like that though. Mine and Oliver's eyes were locked on the others ones lips. A smile came from my mouth and then I crushed my lips onto his. I thought to myself 'if they wanna see a kiss, their gonna see a real kiss. We were going more into it and we started making out. He put his hands on my thighs and squeezed. My mind was empty. I didn't even think of Oliver in that moment, just that I liked the kiss. All of a sudden I felt something hard against my lady bits. I quickly broke the kiss and got off of his lap. This had gone too far. I just stood there looking at him and I could tell he was extremely embarrassed. The other boys didn't notice and thank god for that. Everyone was chocked at the kiss. Silence was filling the room and everyone was staring at me.

"That was-" Fred started.

"Brilliant" George finished.

I got too damn embarrassed when my mind finally understood what happened. My cheeks turned bright red. I couldn't stay there.

Because I was drunk, the curfew didn't cross my mind. My first thought was just to run out of the common room, and so I did. My feet took their way towards the door and I left before they could say anything else to me.

When I was outside I started running. Running away from my problems, as always. I ran up and down different stairs, through a lot corridors and past a lot of classrooms. I stopped when I was as far away as possible from the Gryffindor common room. I hadn't gotten the chance to see where I was, and my sight was too fucked up from the alcohol that I hadn't really seen anything while running. It was a miracle that I didn't fall on my way here.

When my eyes focused I saw that I'd ended up in the dungeons, just a couple of feet away from the Slytherin common room. My eyes also got a glimpse of someone standing right outside the entrance. They were too far away for me to see who they were but I did see that they had blonde hair and that they probably were a boy. The only blonde boy I knew from Slytherin was someone I did NOT want to meet tonight.

He started walking towards me. Shit, he saw me. When the person came closer and closer I saw who it was, it was the one I didn't wanna meet tonight.

It was Draco Malfoy.

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now