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The day went on very slowly after potions class. Every time Malfoy and I were in the same room, his eyes were always on me and mine were always on the floor beneath me. Even in the great hall I could feel his eyes burning into my neck when he walked passed me.

In just a few hours we were going to meet each other again because of our study session about the veritaserium potion. When we meet I could ask him why the hell he was acting like such a stalker.

Ginny and I sat in the great hall eating dinner along with Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins. The twins showed Ginny and me some recipe they had recently got from their brother Charlie. It was a muffin recipe and apparently if you ate them, you would get high as fuck. Naturally we were really excited and hoped they worked since Fred and George were going to make them themselves. George asked us if we wanted to try them this weekend and we gladly said yes. Harry and Ron also wanted to join but Hermione said that it was against the rules and that she did not want to risk her role as prefect. Ron didn't take his role as prefect as seriously as Hermione did so his response was that nobody would ever find out.

After talking about the muffins for a while Fred then asked me where I'd ran of to after the ball and why I hadn't came back to my dorm. Everyone's eyes landed on me. Apparently Fred wasn't the only one who wanted an answer to that question.

I was speechless. What was I supposed to tell them? All of them hated Slytherins so I couldn't tell them what I told Ginny.

Ginny helped me out, she knew it was a secret and that I told her only because of how much I trusted her. Not that I didn't trust my own brother and my other friends but they don't  understand me the way Ginny does.

She told them I had stayed at Cedric's dorm. That Ced and I had met when the ball had ended and we missed each other so much that we decided to have a little sleepover.

Everyone believed her story. I had slept in Cedric's dorm multiple times the passed years so it wouldn't be weird if I did. There was no questions about Adrian either which was a huge relief.

The topic of where I was the other night reminded me of Draco. I searched the Slytherin table so I could get a glimpse of the  platinum blonde haired boy. Pansy, Blaise and Adrian sat at the table eating, but the blonde were nowhere to be seen. After today I was getting used to his eyes always on me but now he wasn't even here. It was strange, why would he even skip dinner?

When all of us Gryffindor friends were done with our meals we headed back towards our common room. It was getting late and Draco and I were supposed to meet in the library in just thirty minutes. We had just left the great hall when a couple Slytherin girls walked passed us with eyes glued on me. They were giggling and whispering to one another. They made sure to be quiet with their gossip but I could still hear a few words from their conversation.

"She's such a slut" one of the girls whispered as they passed us but I could still hear it very clearly.

I wasn't the only one who heard it. Harry turned around to face the girls and almost yelled at them: "What was that!?"

The Slytherins turned around. "What?" one of them said cockily and the rest giggled.

"Who are you calling a slut?" Harry said back with anger in his voice.

The cocky girl looked at me and said: "I think you know who."

Harry got furious and stepped forward to hit the girl but before he could take a second step Ron and George grabbed his arms pulling him backwards. The Slytherin girls laughed at Harry's failed attempt to attack them and walked away.

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat