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I was right, that night I didn't get a lot of sleep. All I could think of was Adrian... what the heck was up with him? His friends had literally bullied me ever since I started at Hogwarts. Why would he be 'kind' to me instead of bulling me like the other ones? He's a Slytherin... he should hate me? If not for my house then for my last name.

I also thought a lot about Draco. First day and he already started drama. If today went like this, how would the rest of the year turn out? I know he wouldn't leave me alone. Every time I would meet him in the hallways he would start some drama shit again. He always had to pic on me. But Cedric was right about what he said yesterday, I need to start standing up for myself. I never had to do that before because I was almost always with Harry meaning Draco would pic on him instead of me, because Harry was "the chosen one", and Harry always handled it by himself. But now when I'm mostly hanging out with Ginny I'm going to need to learn to talk back and not let him treat me like he does. Everyone always said I'm more like Nevill than Harry, sure I'm a coward sometimes... or most of the time... but now I really have to stick up for myself. I'm sixteen now and will soon turn seventeen, it really was time for me to become more mature.

That morning I was really really tired. I only slept for three hours and I had the weirdest dream;

I was in the forbidden forest. It was nighttime and it felt like the middle of the night. It was cold, very cold. My robes didn't make me worn enough so I blew some warm air into my freezing cold hands. I looked around, seeing no one. Then I heard a noise coming from behind a tree. I slowly started walking towards where I heard the noice. My feet stepped on some sticks and they made a cracking sound. I stopped and stood still to listen and make sure that whatever was behind the tree didn't hear me. Luckily for me, it didn't so I kept on walking slowly. When I reached the tree I looked behind it carefully. What I saw chocked me. It was Draco, together with Voldemort. They were talking about something but I couldn't tell what about. I juste heard a few words, such as 'control' and 'ring' and then... my name? Before I could think they both turned their heads towards me and looked me dead in the eyes, they saw me.

"Nora are you okey???" Hermione woke me up and she had a concerned look on her face. She sat on the side of my bed leaning over me. "You don't look so well" she added. Then I released my face was all sweaty.

"No it's fine, I'm fine" I said as I sat up. "I just really need a shower." She still looked concerned but I just left my bed walking towards the bathroom.

My hands met the bathroom sink and my head was tilted down towards the floor. 'What a dream' I thought. I quickly took of my pjs and got into the shower. Feeling the cold water on my skin was really refreshing and I loved the feeling.

When me and Hermione were done getting ready for the day we met up with Harry and Ron who were waiting for us in the common room. We had our potions books with us because our first class was right after breakfast. All four of us then started walking towards the great hall for breakfast.

"How are you feeling now Nora?" Hermione asked me as we walked through the hallways. She was still concerned for me, she's one of the most caring person I know.

"I'm good Hermione, it was just a nightmare" I try to convince her again. I don't look like hell anymore so I thought she would forget about this morning any time now. She just nodded at me and gave me a warm smile.

When we walked around the corner I suddenly bump into somebody, making all of my books for next class fall to the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry" a male voice says. He reaches down and picks up my books before I could do so myself. He then looks up at my face and has a shocked look on his face, just as if he didn't expect me to be me. "Evanora" he says quietly.

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now