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Three weeks had now passed since I had spent the night in Draco's dorm. Nothing really special had happened since then. Draco barely even looked at me. He never did unless he absolutely had to, like in potions class. Insults didn't leave his mouth either, only a few bad nicknames were thrown at me from time to time. Crabbe, Goyle and the other Slytherins were the same though, they said something mean every time I met them in the hallways. Usually Draco was present, but he only laughed at the insults and never said any himself.

It was now only a week left until the ball would take place. I was super excited! The only problem was that I didn't have a date yet, or a dress for that matter. Hermione and Ron were going together, as I knew they would. Ron had finally asked her after weeks of waiting. They both secretly had a crush on each other. Hermione told me about it and Ron told Harry. Harry and I was obviously telling each other and we were trying to make them fall in love with each other like the Cupids we were. Harry was going to take Ginny to the ball. They had a secret crush on each other as well. I However didn't have a date, and time was running out.

Hermione, Ron, Harry and I stood waiting outside the defense against the dark arts classroom along with the other people in our class. The Slytherin squad containing Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and a few more stood leaning towards the wall on the other side of the hallway from us. They were all laughing to themselves, probably at something dumb like a bad insult about a hufflepuff one of them made. I tried to look over towards Draco as discreet as possible. My eyes slowly went from the floor to his face. Our eyes met. He had been looking at me. Awkwardly my sight quietly went back to the floor. I stared at the floor for a couple of seconds before deciding to see if he was still looking at me. Once again I slowly laid my eyes on him. Draco's attention was now elsewhere, on Blaise that were talking to him.

Professor Lupin opened the classroom door and everyone got inside. That day all the benches were gone. All that was left in the empty classroom was a closet. It was dark brown with a dirty mirror on the front. It was shaking. As if something was inside and wanted to get out. Everyone stood a few feet away from it, too afraid to stand too close. All of us could easily guess what was inside. The defense against the dark arts lesson we had the other day we talked about boggarts.

"I guess you all know what is in here?" Lupin said. He stood next to the closet. A few students including me nodded our heads. "Does anyone remember the spell that you're supposed to use against a boggart?" Lupin asked us.

I raised my hand along with Hermione and some Ravenclaw girl. I was actually smart, just shy. Lupin pointed at me with his hand to show that he wanted me to answer his question. "Riddikulus" I said.

"Very good Evanora! Now everyone say it loud after me... Riddikulus" The professor said.

"Riddikulus" the whole class said after him, except for the Slytherin squad.

"This class is ridiculous" I could hear Draco say in the corner of the room. He didn't look amused at all.

"Very good class!" Lupin looked at us smiling. "I think you're ready. You know how the spell works by now but just to remind you, remember to quickly force it to turn into something you find very amusing. Now everyone form a line!" He continued.

The class did as he asked. First in line was Neville. Lupin opened the closet with some magic and the boggart then took the shape of professor Snape. Neville stood there terrified. Lupin told Neville to use the spell so he did. Professor Snape was then wearing an old woman's clothes. Everyone laughed at the sight of our potions teacher wearing that outfit.

Next up was Ron. When he stood in front of the boggart it turned into a giant spider. He was even more scared then Neville were before. I knew Ron hated spiders more than anything. He took out his wand and aimed at the spider "Riddiculus" he said. The spider was then wearing roller skates. Everyone laughed and Lupin cheered on Ron.

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now