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A my lips formed a wide smile when I woke up the next morning. After last nights event, the idea of facing my friends again afterwards was something I did not want to do. I left for my dorm straight away when Draco had walked away and the others came back after a few hours.

Wait... last nights event... Shit.

Shit shit shit. Once again my mind realized how stupid I'd been when it came to the blonde haired boy. I'd kissed him... and he kissed me back.

Malfoy kissed me back. I chuckled a little at the thought. The wide smile never left my lips. Why'd he kiss me back though? I thought he hated me. Yes, we made a "deal" to be friends and we actually had a good time last time we studied but that still wasn't enough to make us non enemies. This really came out of nowhere!

I remember most of the night, but I especially remember the kiss. Even now, when I'm not high, what happened still felt so right. Draco's cold, soft lips melted together with my own warm ones so perfectly. It really felt like it was meant to be.

I craved his lips. I craved him. I would do anything just to feel his lips on mine again. I didn't love him, it was far too early, but I was craving the feeling he made me feel. And Draco Malfoy was the only one who could provide me that feeling. But he was still my brother and friends enemy. Just like Draco told me last night, nobody could know about us. If there was a us. I needed to talk to him.

Daydreaming in my bed had never given me this much happiness.

Hermione slept in her bed right next to mine. I left my bed and woke her up so we could go down together to the great hall to eat. She made typical waking up noises but then almost straight away asked me where I'd ran of last night. I lied and told her that I'd gotten really tired so I just left for bed. Hermione thought it was weird but she didn't ask further questions.

We got cleaned up, dressed and headed down to the common room. Harry and Ron was already waiting for us down there and they asked the same thing Hermione did. I gave them the same answer I gave Hermione and then we headed down to the great hall together.

The great hall was filled with students from all houses. As we entered, I couldn't help but to look over towards the Slytherin table. I scanned the whole table but there was no sight of Malfoy. All his friends sat there but he was gone.

Why was he gone though? Was it because of me? Because of the kiss? Did he try to ignore me? Alright I'm probably only overthinking again.

"Oi, Nora, can we talk?" A ginger interrupted my thoughts. He was standing behind me to my right and looked at me with the sweetest eyes and a smile.

"Fred, sure" I replied and stood up. Fred walked me out from the great hall away from anyone that could hear our future conversation.

We were then all of a sudden in a long corridor a bit far away from the great hall. I leaned towards a cold stone wall and Fred was right in front of me. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked.

He was getting shy, it was really easy to tell because he never acted shyly. "Umm... last nights kiss."

Did he know I kissed Draco? How did he know? Did he see us?

Fred saw that I got surprised and a little bit frightened on my facial expression. So he continued: "I don't know where it came from but..." He didn't know what to say.

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now