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Today was a big quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. It was Friday which meant that the Yule ball was tomorrow. They really had to place the game the day before the ball. It was stupid but there wasn't much to do about it. All of my friends and my date was playing today. Hopefully they weren't going to kill one another but you never knew what could happen. When Slytherin was playing things always got ugly, especially when it was against Gryffindor.

Fred gave me a warm smile. "Are you coming today? To cheer on me?" he said hopeful. We stood in the Gryffindor common room taking along with George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Neville.

"Of course! But not only you, all of you." I said and pointed at our friends who also were in the Gryffindor quidditch team. "Me and Neville will cheer for you like no other house has ever cheered for their team before!" I joked and put my arm around Nevilles shoulders. "Right Neville?"

"Yeah sure" he answered with a nervous short laugh. Clearly being uncomfortable because of my arm around him.

Fred turned around and grabbed something laying on the table in the corner on the room. It was a red sweatshirt. "You can wear this, to show your support." He gave me the sweatshirt and I recognized it immediately when it was placed in my arms. It was the sweater molly had made for him. In the middle of the shirt there was a big yellow F. Molly had made ones for every Weasley and she also made ones for me and Harry when she realized we were friends with Ron. It was the best Christmas gift I had ever got.

I smiled and immediately but it on over my T-shirt. It smelled just like him, happiness filled my whole body. "Thank you Fred" I said and everyone saw how happy I was.

Harry then asked: "are you two going to be each other's new love interest now?" He laughed at his comment and so did everyone else. I hit him on his shoulder to show that his comment was stupid.

After the laugher ended Hermione started talking. "The match starts in an hour, you guys should probably go get ready for the game." They agreed and Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George left to get ready. But before Fred followed the others out of the common room he gave me a look, it was cute and he had the biggest puppy dog eyes. I had no idea what that look meant but it was adorable.

After about an half an hour later Hermione, Neville and I left as well because it took a while to walk down there and we also wanted good seats.


Draco's POV:

My teammates and I had just changed into our quidditch uniforms and we left the changing room to go to the pitch. Crabbe and Goyle were beaters and had just joined the team. I walked with them to the field and as we walked we met a lot of people that were going to watch the game. A bunch on Slytherins wished us good luck and cheered when they saw us. Someone even told us to crush every Gryffindor on the team. Request denied, I was not in the mood for fighting today. Well that was until I saw her walking towards the pitch.

I recognized the shirt immediately, it was Fred Weasley's shirt. Why on earth would she ever wear that? I walked towards her with angry steps and she along with Hermione and Neville was just about walk up the stairs to take a seat.

"Are you seriously wearing a Weasley shirt proudly Potter? Pathetic!" I spit in her face. I didn't stop to have a conversation, I just walked passed her so she couldn't give me an answer. She stood there confused with her mouth open not knowing what to say. I wanted to be mean to her.  The anger that filled me came from nowhere when I saw her wearing that shirt.

Suddenly I was in the mood for crushing Gryffindors, and especially one of them.


The game had been going on for about forty five minutes and Gryffindor was about to win. I knew I had to do something to provide it. Three Gryffindors and two Slytherins were nocked of their brooms and were too hurt to continue. I was proud to say that two out of three were my victims. Fred Weasley was my new target. 

Fred was a beater so it was going to be easy to make him fall of his broom. Before flying up to him I glanced at Evanora. She was watching Ginny trying to score a goal. Every time Gryffindor scored or any of her friends did something good for the team she cheered. It was quite annoying. When Adrian scored a goal she cheered too for some weird reason. Nora was the only on in Gryffindor who did. Strange, really strange.

Now was the perfect timing. I flew up towards Fred. He didn't see me coming. We were really high up so a fall from this height, could make you break a lot of bones. I didn't care though. I was now next to him and he knew exactly what was going to happen. With only one hard push with my shoulder Fred lost control and fell of his broom. He managed to grip onto his broom with his hands. I looked over to where all the Gryffindors were seated, they were all standing now looking worried as hell. Everyone's eyes were on Fred and me. My eyes met Evanora's, she was the most worried one. She shook her head at me, trying to tell me from a distance not to take away Fred's hands from his broom so he would fall. I didn't listen. I looked down again at Fred who was desperately trying to get back up. Our eyes met. "Stay away from her!" I growled and removed his hands from his broom. I saw the fear in Fred's eyes before he roughly hit the ground.


Evanora's POV:

Fred landed roughly on the ground and I ran. Before anyone could move a finger I was already going down the stairs to make sure he was okey. There were too many stairs, it was taking too long to get to him. Hermione followed but she wasn't as fast as me so I made it down the stairs quicker. When I finally made it to the bottom of the staircase it wasn't long until Fred was right in front of me. Madam Pomfrey, Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall were already by Fred's side also making sure he was okey. I dropped down on my knees next to him. He was conscious which was good and he spoke to me. "Cheering on me wasn't enough for you huh? You had to be my guardian angel as well?" I laughed a little.

Madam Hooch and Madam Pomfrey carried him out of the field and the game continued. Hermione and I got back up to to our seats to watch the rest of the game. Luckily nobody else got hurt after that and Gryffindor won.

After the match I talked with Harry, Ron and Hermione about Fred and the match. That was until I saw Malfoy in the corner of my eye. He was walking along with Crabbe and Goyle to go back to the changing rooms to change out of the quidditch uniform. When I saw him I didn't even hesitate to walk up to him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled at him. He looked disappointed? Sad? I couldn't tell but the only feeling I felt was anger. Draco didn't answer me, his eyes were stuck on the ground. More anger filled me, he didn't stand up for what he did. Malfoy still didn't move at all, he looked regretful but I needed him to speak. I got closer to Malfoy and pushed him on his shoulders backwards while I said: "HUH?!" trying to get a reaction. He took a few steps backwards because of the push and his eyes met mine. They were empty.

Hermione, Harry and Ron still stood where we did before but they were now watching us, Grabbe and Goyle did as well. Draco was probably scared to take responsibility and show the 'weak' side of him in front of them. "I guess that's none of your business Potter" he said. I shook my head. I felt disappointed, angry, confused and sad at the same time and my face expressed my emotions well. Without saying anything else I walked away with Hermione, Harry and Ron following me.

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A/n: Sorry for making you wait for so long, I've basically had no free time the last couple of days. I hope you like this chapter though! Personally I really like the drama:)

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora