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The next day I woke up with a headache, just as always after I cried a lot. Ginny laid right next to me on my bed. She was sleeping like a log, so peaceful and calmly. A shower was something I currently needed very badly to make myself feel better. I took out my robes from my closet and walked into the bathroom to then turn on the shower and get in. The warm water felt so nice dripping down my cold body. My mind wondered away and the image of Draco popped up in my head.

At first I thought about last night. How he treated me was absolutely awful, but I couldn't help but to also think about the night after the ball. How Draco treated me after he found Adrian all over me was a complete different person than he was yesterday. The question was, which one was the real Draco? He could've been drunk that night after the Yule ball, or he could've been very angry or even had too much adrenaline in his body yesterday causing the awful attitude. I really wanted to believe Draco was good deep, deep down.

I needed to talk to Cedric about yesterday, he couldn't just beat up someone because of a bloody rumor.

I bet Adrian was happy now, nobody knew it was really him and everyone thought it was Draco. That asshole. It probably was Pucey who started the Draco rumor in the first place. 

I decided to talk to Ced before class so I got out of the shower and put on my uniform. Ginny was still sleeping deeply when I got back out from the bathroom and breakfast was soon to be served in the great hall so to wake her up was a must. She made some noises as I woke her up but then she finally opened her eyes.

"Breakfast will soon be served Ginny so get up and get dressed" I said and she sat up on my bed. "I need to talk to Cedric so I'll see you in the great hall when you're ready okey?" She nodded as an answer, too tired to actually reply and I turned around to walk out the door to find him.

Cedric was always one of the first to eat breakfast in the morning which meant he would be in the great hall in any minute. My feet quickly led me down all hundreds of stairs down to the great hall. The big doors were open and only a very few were inside the huge room.

Right before I entered someone walked into my side from behind hitting my shoulder with their own. As they kept walking I saw that it was a black haired boy wearing Slytherin robes. Adrian. He clearly walked into me on purpose. He wanted me to notice him.

I stood there still a little bit chocked of seeing him. I hadn't seen him since the ball. Adrian kept walking towards the Slytherin table and sat down. Then he looked over at me. My heart started beating faster. As fast as I could I walked over to the Hufflepuff table to get away from Adrians stare.

Cedric didn't see me coming, he had his back against the entrance. His friends saw me coming though and looked at me which made Ced turn around. I approached him with a big smile and he gave me one too. He got up from his seat to greet me and opened his arms wildly. I gladly jumped into his arms and he wrapped them around me.

"Hello beautiful. What gives me the honor to meet this sweet young girl this lovely morning?" Cedric joked.

I released the hug and said with some what seriousness in my voice: "I need to talk to you Ced."

Cedric knew what it was about so he walked me over to a corner in the back of the hall so we could get a little privacy. "I heard what happened Nora and I couldn't do nothing. I was so mad at him for doing such a horrible thing to you so I just had to."

Forbidden love - A Draco Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now