
205 2 131

This Oc belongs to @poodles3456

Name: Speckleflame
Lovely name

Past names: Specklekit, Specklepaw
Make sense

Name reason: Speckle, she was named because she is covered in spots. Flame cause she saved the camp from fire.
Makes sense

Appearance: she-cat with multi-colored spots all over her body.
That's..... it???

Gender: She-cat

Age: 70 moons
All right, she's on the older side which I wasn't expecting

Personality: usually is a kind cat but has a tendency to let her inner mean girl out. She does have a thing with kittens though, but not warriors and especially elders. To the other clans, rouges and loners, she is a cat to fear.

Usually kind but also "has a tendency"? Those contradict each other because the wording means they both happen often. Also what is the "thing" described?? And okay she's good at fighting I guess but that's not personality

Since she did kill the Darkclan leader as an apprentice.
Hahahaha, this part is a joke right?

*checks form*

It's not??

Sexuality: bi

Clan: Spiritclan-Hellclan
Wow, this Oc is full of comedy!

*checks form again*

This isn't a joke either?? What??

And where is her actual clan?

Rank: Warrior
At least her rank is normal

Kin: Mom, Sparkclaw an all-white she-cat
with a ginger stripe on the back. dad unknown
Dad yes known. If you're going to enter an Oc, you should at least know all there basic family. Just throw in a random rogue Tom or something

Appearance is like book Allegiance basic, where the hell is the detail and her eye color??

Crush: None
Makes sense

Mate: Smokefur, an all-white tom with black spots, both ears have huge nicks. Dead and In Hellclan.
Pfft-I'm Sorry- I just can't- "hElLcLaN"

His appearance is super boring though and needs much more detail, he doesn't even have an eye color!

Kits: Leopardshine, Dappled she-cat with green eyes. Named beacuse she was crushed by a tree wich paralyzed her back and back legs.

Ok, first problem is the lack of description, second is that nothing in the name "Leopardshine relates to be crushed by a tree, and third is that she sounds like a Briarlight ripoff. I'm like actually annoyed at blatantly like Briarlight is. Be more creative and change her to have a slightly different injury and cause of injury.

Shadowclaw, a black tom, with very silky fur and green eyes.

This is boring in every possible dimension, he feels very much like a background character. Add some detail and maybe change his name since it's so common.

Hoppaw, A small gray and white she-cat with only three legs. She died after she fell into the lake and died.

That's a sad name :(( And even sadder death, I hope it's explained why no one helped her or why she was alone. Also description needs 10000% more detail (again no eye color :/)

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