Spralbert- The First Meeting

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Hello everyone! This one shot was requested by lucky_luc1fer! I hope everyone enjoys!
Race's POV

It's hard having a crush on two people at the same time, especially if they're both boys and have never met.

"Whatcha' thinking about?" Someone asks and I snap out of my thoughts. I look at the doorway and see one of my crushes, Albert.

"Nothing," I say quickly and shake my head. Albert walks over to the bed and sits down. I look at him and admire him. His brown eyes, his red hair, his soft, kissable lips...

"Race?" Albert asks and I quickly snap out of my thoughts. I look back at him and see his bright blush.

"Y-You were staring at me," Albert says and I blush.

"I-I'm sorry," I say with embarrassment and look at the floor. I mess with my hands and try not to cry. I feel arms around me and jump slightly.

"Sorry Racer," Albert says and continues to hug me. I lean against him and rest my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry," I mumble and frown.

"It's alright Racer," Albert says and kisses my head lightly. I yawn slightly and cuddle into Albert. He holds me close and I smile.

"What did you need that you came in here for?" I ask and look up at Albert.

"Um, to...." Albert says and takes a deep breath. I raise an eyebrow at him and he kisses me. I smile slightly and kiss him back lovingly. He pulls away from me and smiles. I frown slightly and kiss him again. He smiles and kisses me back. We pull away from each other and take a breath.

"I'm g-glad I didn't make a fool of myself by kissing you," Albert says and we smile at each other. Albert blushes lightly and looks at me. I grab his collar and kiss him again. He kisses back and smiles. I pull away from him and stare into his eyes. I pull myself away from his eyes and sigh.

"What's wrong Racer?" Albert asks and I look at him.

"There's something I should tell you..." I say hesitantly and sigh again.

"Go on," Albert ushers me on and I nod slightly.

"I love you, you know that, but I think... I also love someone else," I admit and watch Albert for a response.

"So you think you're Polyamorous?" Albert asks and I nod slightly.

"I think so... I hope you don't hate me now," I say and frown.

"Racer, I could never hate you," Albert says and cups my cheek. I lean into his touch and nod.

"I'm also Polyamorous," Albert says and smiles at me.

"Really?" I ask happily and look at him with hope.

"Yep!" Albert says and kisses my head.

"Do you want to meet the other person?" I ask and look at him.

"You mean the other person my Racer loves, of course," Albert says and I smile at him calling me his. I stand up and pull him up with me.

"Let's go!" I say and run out the door. Albert runs behind me and I run to Brooklyn. I stop at the Brooklyn bridge and so does Albert.

"You love someone from Brooklyn?" Albert asks and looks at me. I nod hesitantly and look at him.

"Is that okay?" I ask and tilt my head at him.

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