A promise is a promise

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TW: Abuse, reference to murder and all around depressing topics


The gang and I sit in comfortable silence as we watch a series that Brian has been pestering us to watch with him. It's a comedy called Clone High and I wont lie, I'm actually enjoying this. I love Cleos dramatic personality, however JFK is my favourite so far.

Everyone is currently staying at a hotel in Canada, we decided to visit Evan to celebrate him and his boyfriends 1 year anniversary tomorrow, however he doesn't know were here. He came out to us 2 years back and I couldn't be happier for him, hes finally found someone who he loves.

Me, Jon, Brian, Anthony, Tyler, Nogla, Luke and Scotty are going to surprise him tomorrow, his boyfriend, Wayne sent us their address about an hour ago, he seems really good for Evan and I hope I'll get to see them more. The guys and I have only seen Wayne around 2 or 3 times when we Skype Evan but now well get to meet in person.

I hear David yawn from across the room and I let out a small chuckle. "Tired Nogla, want me to read you a bedtime story?" I question.

"Oh fuck dont ye start with this mothering bullcrap." He responds, pointing a finger at me making the other guys laugh.

"Cmon David he just wants to look after everyone, we dont call him Mother Moo for nothing!" Brian dramatically swings his arm on Noglas shoulders and grins, Nogla just huffs and grabs his phone, presumably checking the time. We all met here at 5 and just stayed in and planned what were doing for Evan and Wayne.

"Ye fuckers do know it's almost 2 am, right?" He raises an eyebrow at each of us.

"Oh shit, really?" Jon grabs his phone to make sure. "Well were leaving to see Evan at 8 so yall better get your beauty sleep, especially you Nogla." The rest of the guys laugh and watch as David throws a pillow to Jon as if to knock him over.

"WELL FUCK YOU TOO THEN!" He sarcastically screams.

"David shut the fuck up dude, these walls are paper thin." Luke proves his point by knocking on the wall hes leaning on, a hollow echo can be heard as we look at one another.

"Look we got about 5 hours of sleep so everyone best turn in and be quiet." I use my 'Mother voice' as Tyler calls it.

No one says anything as I lie down and watch as the rest follow suite, checking that everyone is doing the same I switch off the TV and fall backwards into the pillow and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.


I keep telling myself hes changed, hes not the same as he was in his last relationship... what he did to that girl, god rest her soul... I didnt find out until a few weeks ago when we were with his family and his younger sister, Bailey pulled me aside to show me a picture book of Wayne, I agreed but I dont know if I regret that. It showed multiple pictures of this young girl, maybe 22? She was petite with long black hair and wore a red and white dress.

I stupidly asked Bailey who she was, thinking it was a cousin or something. Instead she told me that her name was Eva and she went missing around 2 years ago. I took a photo of her on my phone while Bailey left to get a drink and reminded myself to see if I could find out what actually happened to her.

Oh boy do I regret that.

Tonight I finally googled for hours and hours while Wayne was working and found an article called 'GIRLFRIEND BRUTALLY MURDERED BY FIANCE' my eyes eagerly scanned each word, each paragraph, each page... until his name came up.


Interview with inmate Wayne Hurst

Wayne told us multiple times that what occurred on October 7th was an accident. That his soon-to-be wife, Eva Zoji, had threatened him with a knife after one of their frequent arguments. In which he states he panicked and pushed the knife she was holding away from him, mis-corrodinating his move and watched as the knife was lodged into Eva's throat, she was found dead when authorities arrived.

Wayne will be trailed in court next week and is pleading not guilty as far as we know.


I remember the fear I felt as he gripped my shoulder tight, scaring me.

I looked back at him with wide,petrified eyes, "W-what are you doing h-home so soon?" I stuttered. He hates when I stutter.

"Oh Evy~ I came home to surprise you but it looks like you already have something going on." He smiles widely as he points to his article on the screen. "Dont you know that I was found not guilty baby~"

Before I could muster a sentence to reply with, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me hard out of my chair until I fell on the floor with an "oof-"

He kicked and kicked as I pleaded for him to stop. He threw punches and grabbed objects close to him, launching them at my head. I curled into a ball and waited for him to stop, biting back at tears since hed see that as weakness and make the beating worse.

With every punch , kick, scratch, pinch, I didnt know when it would end. However the words he said were what hurt me most.

Stupid fucking bitch

You're nothing without me

Dumb ugly cunt

Mind your own fucking business next time and promise you dont spill what you read or I will do to you what I did to her

With the last few hits, he huffed heavily and turned on his heel, leaving me on the floor with my thoughts. Without hesitation, he slammed the front door, no doubt going to get drunk again.

I let the tears slip as I attempted to sit up, using my arms to support myself. It took a few agonizing seconds until I succeeded and looked at the mess I made, the broken picture frame of us hurt me the most. It's my fault.. Hes right.

I stared at the cracked glass theat covered my face and his chest where.. his heart would be. Is this a sign?

Haha no, hes too good for me.

If I kept to myself, he wouldn't have gotten angry.

I decided on cleaning up getting ready for bed.

'A promise is a promise' I sadly whisper to myself as I pick up the shards of glass and choosing to drop them in the bin in the corner. I turn to my gaming desk and lose my step, a pain in my back blossomed as I fell backwards into the chair, I weakly sit up and put my elbow on the desk, careful not to hit a bruise I can feel forming there and closing the tabs of his past.

Once every tab was closed, my wallpaper was revealed and I gave a small smile. It was of the guys and I when we all met Del for the first time. I had my hand over his shoulder, Scotty was sitting on Noglas shoulder highfiving Brock who was piggybacking Brian. Luke was giving Jon bunny ears with his fingers, Marcel had a wheezing Tyler in a headlock while Anthony lay infront of us on his side with a flirtatious stare at the camera.

God I miss them.

Wayne has been cutting my recordings short since he thinks I'll spill his secrets to one of the guys, I want too but I dont want them to get hurt...

I dont want anyone to get hurt.

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