
45 4 0

TW: mentions of abuse

*No one*

The men were sat on the sofas close to their friend whos chest was slowly rising and falling, it relaxed them to know that he was doing alright. Moo had fallen asleep on Brians shoulder from emotional exhaustion, the Irish was trying to hide his blush but was being teased by the others - however he was just happy to hear them laughing again.

Jonathan Dennis hadnt taken his eyes off of his crush, staring tiredly at a fresh-white bandage that was wrapped securely around Evans head, a small bump of a bandaid was on top where the gash would be. 

Jon yawned, catching the gangs attention. "Del, its almost 1 am. Go upstairs and get some sleep." David smiled sympathetically "The rest of you should too, ill keep an eye on Evan"

"No." Tyler interrupted, he looked to his left and refused to look at Vanoss "Ill stay, Evan took the hit for me so I should be the one that stays."

The others sadly glanced at him, saying their thankyous as they stood up and began dragging their tired selves to their rooms. Brian stayed, not wanting to wake Brock up from his rest.

"Jon, you look exhausted man. Go to upstairs before I drag you myself" Tyler stared at Jon as sympathy laced his words, noticing his droopy eyes and sluggish movements. The blue jacket male just nodded before taking one last glance at Evan and forced himself away, walking to his room.

When their friend was out of sight, Tyler and Brian began quietly talking to eachother.

"When do you think Wayne will be back?" The American questioned and Brian shrugged "I swear to god, we arent leaving Evan with him. If Wayne doesnt move out we gotta convince him to report the abuse and atleast get a restraining order."

Terrorisers eyes felt heavy as he nodded, his head leaning on top of Moos. Tyler smirked at the scene, taking his phone out and snapping a quick picture, sending ut to the BBS groupchat.



1:12 am

Wildcat: *sent an image*
Wildcat: Look at these lovebirds

Panda: That is the calmest ive ever seen Brian, wtf??

Nogla: Dont show the fans, theyll eat that up quicker than a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet and Brian would beat your ass

Wildcat: Haha, youre right. It would be funny as fuck though



It was now early morning, Tyler had passed out an hour after the guys left to sleep. He was the first to wake up, lifting his head up and shivering at the early-morning temperature.

Evan was still asleep, his breathing was calm and his body language relaxed. Wildcat shifted into a sitting position and blinked a few times - trying to wake himself up as the warmth of sleep grabbed at him. He ignored it and continued keeping watch of Vanoss, occasionally scrolling through his phone or glancing at the two infront of him, imagining how they would react at that picture when he eventually showed them. Which he will do.

The thing that irked the man the most was the guilt that clawed at him - desperate for a reaction in which he refused to give. The guilt that he could of stopped Wayne from hitting his best friend or that if he hadnt forced Evan into opening up like he did which pushed him to the edge, he could of avoided the whole damn situation.

But the thing is, its over as far as he knows and he cant wallow in his thoughts while his friend is in need of help. 

Hes determined to make it up to him.


Everyone was now awake and back downstairs, each taking shifts on waiting for Evan to wake up while the others got their things from the car and set up in their rooms.

Its been 10 hours since the incident occured and Jon has been worried sick, he was tossing and turning all night - trying to catch a wink of sleep but everytime he closed his eyes, the scene of Wayne hitting Vanoss playing on repeat.

The way his eyes drained of colour and how he collapsed so fast. The way he felt so light and the makeup that rubbed off, showing cuts and bruises on his face and wrists.

Jonathan was curled up in his room, his knees firmily pushed to his chest, he was  exhausted as all hell. However he still insisted hed wait until Evan woke up until he saw him again, he couldnt stand the sight of his crush passed out from blood loss while he waited in anticipation for a sign of him coming back.

Luke and Brock would occasionally check in on Delirious, asking if he wanted to see Evan, but everytime he just stared at the floor infront of him until they left.

Tyler tried forcibly taking him out of the room muttering things like "we arent having two of you depressed" or "cmon Jon, youre worrying us"

He didnt care, he said hed wait until he woke up.

Which was sooner than he thought.


My head hurts... what happened?

Why are my eyes so heavy, am I dead?

Am I free from him?

"Ev, Evan!" Someone softly shakes me

So im not dead.

I muster the strength to open my eyes, only slightly as the light blinds me quickly.

"Hmm?" I hum

"Oh thank god," a green blob says "Evan, its David, are you okay?"

I squint my eyes, my vision clearing up as the clear face of Nogla and Panda come into view. Sitting up slowly, i rub my eyes, trying to get rid of the weakness im feeling.

Somethings... itchy.

I reach up and feel something soft.

"Hey dont... dont touch that" Anthony bites his cheek.

"W-what happened?.." I mumble tiredly

"Evan?" I look over to my left and see a relieved Brock in the door way, he sees that I give no response and places a hand on my shoulder, pushing me slowly so im lying down "dont force yourself, you took quite the hit yesterday."

"Hit?.." I slur "What hit?"

"You dont remember?" Moo questions, glancing to the side at Nogla.

"No.." I close my eyes that are begging to rest and graze a hand over the bandage "I only remember being confronted by Tyler and then darkness... did Tyler hit me?"

"What?" Nogla breathes "no, Wayne did"

"Oh yeah, that makes sense.." My words become quieter as my body weakens "Why- why did he though?"

"You took a hit for me.." I hear Tyler mumble to my right, my eyes closed meaning I dont know where exactly he is.

"Oh yeah now I" i pause "now i remember"

"Evan go back to sleep, we can talk more later" Brock says softly, my body immediately agreeing as it drifts into unconsciousness.

One thing stays on my mind while I pass out again.

Did Waybe feel guilty?

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