I Believed Him

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TW: Abuse reference, mild physical abuse, Brock crying


Wayne is giving off weird vibes... Evan has changed alot since we last saw one another, he used to be loud, energetic and positive but now hes sitting infront of us with tense shoulders, hes sat up straight and his eyes are darting between each of us. Him and Wayne are talking about what we should do today while the rest of us are sending each other questioning glances to each other.

Evan's hands begin twitching and I speak up. "Ev, you okay?" The guys wait eagerly for a reaction.

He looks at me goes to speak but Wayne suddenly cuts him off "Yes Evan, are you alright? Have you not taken your pills? " He smiles which doesn't quite meet up with his eyes. Evan quickly nods and stands up, leaving into what I think is the kitchen.

"Wait what pills?" Brock worridly questions, Brian and I share a confused glance for a second as Evan walks back into the room and sits beside Wayne again.
"Anxiety meds, he had a bad experience a few months back and has to be on pills from now on. Isn't that right?" He ruffles Evan's hair and returns his hand around his shoulder.

"I- uh yeah. Yeah.." He smiles anxiously at Wayne and turns to look at Jon, he scans the room. "Wheres Marcel?" He questions "Is he okay?"

Tyler sits forward and rests his elbows on his knees, "Yeah he was gonna come but he was called over to a family emergency and wouldn't say what happened. I think hes alright though. Anyways Evan, where did your cat go? I haven't seen her at all, did something happen?" Evan looks back at Wayne who nods and smirks when Evan turns back to us.

"O-oh, we had to give Al away since Wayne h-has allergies," He sadly looks at the floor "I do miss her if I'm honest."

"Anyhoo!" Wayne lets go of Evan and claps his hands loudly which Ev slightly flinches at. "Evan and I know a bowling alley not far from here so I'd say its be nice to catch up down there, what do you say?" He looks directly at me, waiting for a response. I catch a glance of Evan nodding his head with a nervous expression.

I look at the guys who just nod and shrug before turning back to Wayne "Uhh, sure" He smiles wide.

"Now that is a strong accent haha!" He chuckles and begins walking out of the room "Im going to go get some things that we might need from the store, Evan do you mind joining me?" We glance back at Evan who moves to stand up but Jon stops him.

"Hey Evan, how about we catch up while Wayne goes out?" Vanoss smiles at him and I internally thank Del for his quick thinking. The rest of us mutter 'yeah' and Evan sits back down while looking cautiously at Wayne.

Wayne scowls from the corner of my eye and marches back over to us, grabbing Evan's arm roughly and pulling him up.

"Woah, woah, woah dude what the fuck?!" Tyler instinctively stands up and the rest of us follow suite. Wayne tuts and we watch as Evan is dragged unwillingly by his wrist out of the room. Brock goes to speak but Evan shakes his head telling him not too.

With the sound of keys rattling and a slam of the front door it's just the guys and I here.


"What the fuck was that?!" Jon angrily breaks the silence. "Wayne just grabbed Evan and dragged him off infront of us like he was nothing!" He stands up and begins pacing to the front door.

Scotty follows him "Jon what are you doing?" He looks back at us and sighs.

"I'm following them."

"Why?" He answers, oblivious to Jon's behaviour as he tries to unlock the door, becoming more aggressive by the second as he realises we are locked in. He gives up and turns back around to us.

Brock calmly steps toward Jon and comfortingly puts a hand on his shoulder, "Listen Jon, we all saw it and we are all concerned but we need to be careful about our next move. We dont want to make things worse for Evan." He sadly smiles as Jon looks up and nods, crossing his arms as he sorrowfully sighs.

"What should we do? We cant leave Evan with him." Brian adds as we look at him, everyone deep in thought.

"I got it," I Express, the guys curiously turn to me, "Look around, see if you can find anything that proves Wayne is who we saw today or any evidence that Evan is being.." I dont want to say it.

"abused." Nogla whispers.

"Fuck man.." Scotty murmurs "What if he is? What do we do then?"

"Well we sure as hell arent leaving him with Wayne!" Jon argues as he begins searching through draws, we all look at him and begin searching ourselves.

Brian, Brock and I head upstairs while the others are downstairs and see a door with a sign that says 'Office' to our left. Brian moves infront of us and opens it revealing what I believe to be Evan's gaming set up. He heads to the file cabinet, Brock moves to the computer and laughs softly. We both look over and see that his wallpaper is of the gang, I smile to myself "I remember that day, it's when Jon suprised us."

We go back to searching and I move to the draws that are under the desk.

Papers with dates on them? Nope.

Gaming notes? Nah.

Pens? Definately now what im after.

A picture frame?

I grab it and turn it over revealing Evan and Wayne... However its smashed pretty badly.

"Uh guys.." I say, Brock looks down at me and Brian turns around with some post-it-notes in his hands. I hand Moo the picture as him and Brian inspects it, he also lays down the notes he was holding that has scribbles and words on which I cant quite make out.

"Why is it smashed? I mean I get if it was an accident but surely it wouldn't be that bad.." Moo ponders as I look through the notes trying to figure out what they say.

We each begin trying to figure out why the frames smashes and what the notes say, Brock goes back to searching the computer, it takes a few minutes until I see a few letters.

"S..TO..P?" I breathe out "Stop?"

"Holy shit.." Brian gasps as I turn my gaze to a note that hes layed on the window so the light makes it clearer.

"Why did you shatter that vase? Why do you hit me? Why do you make me lie to my fr-"

Brock snatches the note out of Brian's hands and quickly rushes downstairs and we follow him.

"Brock?" Jon asks desperately but gets no reply "Did you find something?" He looks questioningly between Brian and I as Brock sits down on the sofa and put his head in his hand mumbling.

Anthony takes a seat beside him and we watch as Moos shoulders shake... Is he crying?

"I-" he sniffs "I dont want to believe it.." He shakes as he looks down at the note that is now partly scrunched "Ev-Evan said he was happy with him. He told me-"

"He told you what?" Tyler sits on the other side of Moo and raises an eyebrow.

Brock takes a deep breathe before continuing, "Two months after Evan and Wayne got together him and I were on Skype. I-I heard something... yelling I think-" He cuts off and sobs while Anthony rubs his shoulder, "Evan said h-he had to sort something out and I thought he went on mute... He didnt"

The rest of us sit infront of Brock, Jon hands him a tissue as Moos shoulders shake, "I-I heard a smash.. like a glass shattering and a cry that sounded like Evan" He looks up at us with his now red pain-filled eyes and breathes deeply "I paid no attention at the time thinking it was an accident. I waited for Evan to come back and he did... half an hour later with a bandage on his neck. I asked him what happened and he said that he accidentally shattered a vase that was on a high shelf. I Believed him... I'm so fucking stupid!" He cried

"Hey, hey its okay-" I attempt to reassure

"You said you heard yelling, do you think that was Wayne??" Jon forcefully questions as Brock sadly looks into his eyes.

"It sounded deep... that's all I remember," He mumbles.

Jon was about to reply but another voice cut him off before he had the chance.

"We're back!"

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